Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Why Teach Art?
- Key Questions
- what effective does teaching art have on a class?
- open uni- art is culcutral,
history of statues, art history
- why is the teaching of art getting less and less
- what are the goverment doing to encorage art?
- look at Ebac, need art included?
- open uni: "art is the icing on the cake" " art is a leisure subject"
- goverment views on art influecne parents and students views
- bob smith is running for parliament to get more art in schol
- how does art support learning?
- open uni- intrinsic and extrinsic skills are gained
- doing and making encorages life long
learning- barrat
- National curriculum links
- Art is still part of the NC and needs to be taught in primary schools
- linking other subjects to art in the NC
- maths-symetry- painting butterflies and folding them
- history- different styles of painting over time
- portraits- shiloets- different materials
- geography- painting around the world
- different styles, ie tribal, the luove*- animal art
- english, creating poems from stories, poems ect
- science, creating space art
- range of materials
- oil and water- why does it react like that?
- activities and pedagogy
- schools linked with gallaries
- historic links
- geography- where is the picture from?
- group work- joining children,classes and schools
- ordering carrers in order of significants, dicuss the
impant and importance of artist, ie logos, stattues, road
signs- Open uni
- William morris gallery- video to inspire children.
- UK qualification and curriculum
authroity 2001- units of study for
art- range of skills and questions
to help teachings/students
- all schemes should be adapted to fit
- 4 areas of activity- rob barnes
- seen heard felt
- memory/immagniation
- materials
- technique
- young navigators programme-
training students as tour guides
- involves local community
- children grew in confidence and
developed forward thinking as well as
pride in their local area
- reading and refrences
- TED talk, schools ruining creativity
- how can we stop this? overcome this?
- Ofsted- making a mark:art, creaft and design education
- encoraging art in schools with helpful teaching and reasources
- why teach art-open university, open learn
- everything around us is art, logos,sings ect, all "reflect human creativity "
- values gained from studying art
- creativity,imagination,self expression,spatial
awarness,hand eye coorditnation
- dispositions of leanring- creativity, self motivation,
indapendnce- Da Ros-Voseles & Fowler-Haughey,
- develop powers of description and analysis
- interlectual awarness, planning and exacuting,
develop and support arguments and view points
- why teach art and desing-tim jones
- art can take place in many places- life long learning
- eflands- make art teaching more creative and less clishe
- reads- developing teaching so teachers can define their own cirriculum
- barrat- art is student centred learning, doing and
makeing is just as effective as research.brings teachers
and learners togethers creatilty, life long learning
- art.com
- the power of art
encorages learning
- get coomunities involved, and countires,
sharing art to insprie pupils in teh
- the art are under threat- the garudain
- art is a human right
- we are giving children the message that
individual vision is worth nothing
- art should be for all- William morris
- william morris
gallery, every school
should be an art
- teaching art to young children 4-9- Rob Barnes
- develops visual sensitivity
- awarness of the world -international
- art demands
inteligents, art IS
hard work-
Dewesy 1934