Zusammenfassung der Ressource
P.E Revision
- Body Shapes
- Endomorph
- Wide, short legs, lots of
- Succeed in sports like
sumo wrestling
- Mesomorph
- Succeed in strength,
agility and speed
sports like Swimming
- Muscular , little fat,
broad shoulders and
narrow hips.
- Ectomorph
- Skinny, Narrow and
little muscle or fat
- Succeed at endurance events
- Disability
- Types of disability
- Mental
- Physical
- Temporary
- Permenant
- Sporting adaptions
- Wheelchairs
- Bells in footballs
- Adapted rules
- Guides
- Facilities
- Wide doors
- Specialist Parking
- Provision - Lifts, ramps, disabled toilets e.t.c
- Inclusion - everyone gets to get involve if
they want to with no barriers related to
predidice or discrimination
- Gender
- Differences between men and women
- Body shape
- Size
- Physique
- Oxygen Capacity
- Women compared to men
- Samller
- Smaller lungs and heart
- Higher fat %
- Less max strength
- Mature faster
- Hormonal inbalance
- More flexable
- Effects of Age
- Old
- Less time to train
- Reduced flexability
- Arteries lose elasticity
- Increased blood pressure
- Reduced oxygen capacity
- Less efficient heart
- Experienced
- Past peak
- Young
- High fitness level
- Strength at peak
when fully grown
- High stamina
- Injuries
heal quicker
- Less experience
- Desire to suceed
- More time to train
- The heart
- Pulmonary vein
takes oxygenated
blood to the heart
- Arteries take blood
away from the heart
- Veins take blood to the
heart (deoxygenated)
- Pumps blood around the body
- Respiration
- Aerobic
- Respiration that occurs with oxygen
- Glucose + oxygen =
energy + carbon dioxide +
- Aerobic respiration is
when an activity is carried
out for long periods of time
- e.g- Cross country
- Anaerobic
- Respiration that
occurs without oxygen
- Glucose + Energy
= Lactic acid
- Anaerobic respiration occurs when
the body works without sufficient
oxygen to working muscels
- Recreation
- Just realaxing and enjoying yourself
- Doing something that is active and helthy but is not competitive
- Intrinsic reward
- Something that gives the individual satisfaction for doing well
- Extrinsic rewards
- Something thats done for a reason and is given a physical reward
- e.g - Trophy
- e.g- money