Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Orders backed by threats
- Variety of laws:
many don't fit in
Austin's model
- Content of laws
- All laws order people to act in a certain way
- Some laws perform
different social function
from "orders backed by
- Confer legal powers on
them to create -
Contracts, wills,
marriages - facilities to
realize their wishes
- =/= Criminal breach...Failure to comply
with procedures for creation - NOT
violation of any obligation or an offense
- Power for this creation =
capacity/minimum personal
qualification, manner/form to
exercise this power, delimit
variety of rights/duties, etc
- Public/Official powers:
rules would
confer/define the
manner of exercise of
legislative powers + rules
of criminal law
- Cannot "obey"/"disobey" by voting.
=/= private powers
- distinctions between varieties
of law are superficial
- private/public rules are the same
actions may be assessed by
reference to the rules as the
"right"/"wrong" thing to do. possess
- nullity may not be "evil"
to the person
- Rules only withhold legal
recognition from failure at
power-conferring. Unlike
the conduct discouraged
by criminal laws
- Criminal laws are desirable even if no
punishment/evil was threatened + can
exist independently. Nullity provision is
part of the rule itself
- attempt to widen
meaning of "sanction" to
include nullity
- Essential condition for
exercise of power is not
fulfilled = criminal breach. Both
are threatened evil sanctioned
by law for breach of the rule
- power-conferring rules are always
RELATED to rules that impose duties
--> have analogy to "orders backed by
threats". Powers conferred --> make
general rules to impose duties
- criminal - impose
power-conferring -
create duties.
- Mere fragments: "orders
backed by threats" is adequate
for private + public powers.
- Denies
power-conferring rules
are "law" (narrow its
- Complete rules of law =
incomplete fragments of coercive
rules (these coercive rules are the
genuine rules of law)
- Law is directed only at officials.
Orders officials to apply certain
sanctions if certain conditions are
- Both make the sanction
the centrally important
- Fail if law without
sanctions is
- Forced uniformity of rules - conceals the ways
in which rules operate, how they're used to
guide purposive activities, obscures their
function in society
- some elements of law = duty,
in terms of being characteristic
of law + valuable to society.
Should not treat as
- power-conferring rules are
used differently in social life +
valued for different reasons.
- Mode of origin
- Enacted laws must express
legislator's actual
- all law have a point of resemblance to legislation.
Everything owes its status as "law" to a deliberate
law-creating act
- But custom.
- But is custom law?
- Failure to separate 2 questions
- Is "custom as such" law?"
- No. in any society, many
customs aren't part of law.
- Custom is law only if it is
recognized as "law" by legal
system (i.e. courts applied them
in particular cases)
- But some statutes can be
law before they're
applied by courts, why
can't customs?
- Need to be ordered by
someone to be "law" (whether
by court or legislature)
- Need to establish this contention
(customary rule can't have status of law
until applied in court)
- What does it mean for a
custom to be "legally
recognized"? Sovereign/agent
ordered it?
- But if "order" includes this, this
theory loses its point
- If agent ordered it, sovereign's
"order" is via tacit approval
(didn't interfere when agent
gave order + punished). He
signified intentions that his
subjects should do certain
- Assume sovereign knew order had
been given + had time to consider +
decided to do nothing
- In reality, this is very rare. i.e.
legislature can strip some customs
of their legal status, but failure to
do so = didn't come to legislature's
- Range of application
- Orders given only to others
- Legislation can also bind legislators
- Official capacity of legislator =/= individual capacity
- Different capacities only intelligible in terms
of power-conferring rules (can't be reduced
to coercive orders)
- Similar to promise. Promise creates
obligation for promisor. For words to
have binding effect, rules must exist (if
words are used in certain occasions, it
will be binding.
- Specified procedures to change
our own moral situation <--
imposed obligations on ourselves
+ conferred rights onto others
- Legislation is more like an
introduction/modification of general standards of
behavior --> society generally folows
- Sovereign and Subject
- Habit of obedience: great majority
of society habitually obeys
sovereign's order
- Continuity of the authority:
uninterrupted law-making power by
rules during transition from one
lawgiver to another
- "Habit of obedience" =
sovereign's orders have
been obeyed for a while
- Obedience =
deference to authority
- =/= Habits. Obey despite strong
inclination to oppose. Not unreflective,
effortless, engrained
- Habit of Obedience is to the Rules regulate this
succession IN ADVANCE. i.e. specify qualifications, mode
of determining lawgiver, etc
- Already law (before any
relationship of habitual
obedience has had time to
establish itself!)
- Need general social
practice + its acceptance
(that B will have right to
succeed + B should also
be obeyed)
- What is the acceptance of a rule?
- Social rules VS Habits
- Similarity: behavior must be
general (repeated by most of
the group, upon that
- Rules: Deviations are
GENERALly regarded as
lapses/faults. Open to
- Rules: acceptance that: good
reason for criticism = Deviation
from standard OR demands for
- INTERNAL ASPECT of Rules: some people:
General standard: that behavior should be
followed by everyone
- Critical reflective attitude to certain patterns of behavior as a
common standard --> criticism, demands for conformity,
acknowledge these are justified (via normative language)
- He has the right to make rules + generally
accepted that it is right to obey him (he has
AUTHORITY to legislate)
- can even bind himself
- Sometimes, existing rule: give a
class of persons the right to
legislate in his turn
- Acceptance of this rule -
manifested by: obedience to him +
acknowledge he has a right to that
obedience (by virtue of his
qualification under the general
- successor has a RIGHT to legislate (before he
even starts) + LIKELY to receive same
obedience as predecessor. Can have this
right even before the general rule (i.e.
- Habits are not normative - cannot
confer rights/authority
- Habit of obedience to one individual -
cannot refer to a class of successive
legislators OR render obedience to them
- Realistically, in a Modern state, mass will not
know about the rules specifying the qualifications
of a continually changing sovereign
- General acceptance.
- Officials will explicitly
acknowledge these
fundamental rules
- i.e. legislators make laws in accordance with the
empowering rules, experts refer to rules when
guiding ordinary citizens, etc
- "Habit of obedience" - obscures and distorts
the other active aspects of a legal system
(i.e. lawmaking, law-identifying, law-applying
operations - by officials/experts)
- Citizen manifests acceptance via acquiescence in the
results of these official operations + keeps the law +
exercises power he's conferred. But might not know
about origins of rules
- Mere habits of obedience to A -
cannot confer any right to
succeed him to B (new legislator)
- Habitual obedience to A - does
not found a presumption that B's
orders will be obeyed too
- Persistence of laws -
even after maker/those
who rendered him
habitual obedience
have died
- i.e. Witchcraft Act
- Not a sovereign, but Habit of Obedience
to set of fundamental rules - accepted by
successive generations of society
- Recognized as "law"still because PRESENT
SOVEREIGN recognizes it as such. Tacit
expression of sovereign's will (since he did not
interfere in enforcement)
- But it's already law!
Implausible that a statute by
a past "sovereign" is not law
until it is applied by courts +
enforced by present
sovereign's acquiescence.
- Can't explain why present
courts should distinguish
between an irrelevant but
existing law and a repealed one
- Would need a fundamental rule of "what counts
as law" that embraces past and present legislative
operations (doesn't discriminate based on "tacit
- Legal Realism: no statute is law until applied by a court.
- There can be no legal limits on
Sovereign's law-creating power
- does not obey anyone else
- Legally unlimited + illimitable
- necessary for
existence of law?
- understandable in terms
of habit + obedience?
- Only concerns "legal" limits -
i.e. sovereign may defer to
Popular opinion
- Attractions
- Easily identify what are laws
- can determine whether we have
an independent legal system or
just a subordinate part of some
wider system
- There are rules constraining
the manner and form of
creation of legislation
- The "scope" of legislative
power is still unlimited (=/=
"form" of power)
- This is not a necessary
condition of the existence
of law
- Disregard of Constitution would render his
legislation void. Imposes legal disabilities = limits.
- i.e. Parliamentary Supremacy -
still subject to Constitution
- These restrictions are legal, but
can't be expressed in terms of
Habit of Obedience
- If he does obey someone, he
just fails at making valid law.
But he won't have violated
any legal duty
- Sovereignty obscures
considerations that we need to
understand a foundation of a
legal system
- Legal limitations on legislative
authority consists of disabilities -
contained in the rules that qualify
him to legislate
- Have to show enactment was made by a
qualified legislator + no restrictions (affecting
this enactment). No need to trace enactment
back to legislator.
- Show that the rules qualifying the
legislator don't confer superior authority
on another territory's sovereign
- Legally unlimited
legislative authority
=/= Supreme, but
- legislator's habits of obedience -
irrelevant (except as evidence that his
authority isn't subordinate to another)
- Electors are the sovereign body. Free from
all legal limitations.
- Manner in which sovereign electorate chooses to
exercise its sovereign powers --> ordinary legislature
free from legal limitations OR subject to them
- Implausible, unless "habit of obedience" and "persons" a
very different meaning. Habit of Obedience + Orders -
cannot suffice - need to explain
- Continuity? Electorate need
to habitually obey
themselves? Orders?
- Individual capacities =/= capacities as sovereign
- Capacities explained in qualifications under
rules (i.e. define valid election, law, etc). These
need to be by the body "making" them, not the
same status as orders issue by the sovereign
- Rules should be constitutive of the sovereign
- We need rule-conferring
powers on persons qualified to
legislate (by complying with a
certain procedure)
- If electorate removes all restrictions on ordinary
legislature, can these restrictions be duties that the
electorate has (tacitly) ordered the legislature to fulfill?
- Failure to exercise power =/= electorate's wishes
- there are some restrictions on the legislature that
are outside the scope of electorate's amending
- Then electorate would
have legal limitations - not
sovereign anymore
- Modern society is too pluralistic
and shifting - no one sovereign