Zusammenfassung der Ressource
(3) Key people of the Churchills
Conservative government 1951-55
- Richard Austen Butler- Chancellor of the exchequer
- Married an heiress and thus had
the brains, connections and money.
- Became an MP in his twenties
and rapiedly promoted to office
- Classic "insider", more concerned with the practical problems
of government than abstract principles or party poltical
warfare, which seemed to this as crude and distructive
- Butler represented all that
was best in the traditions of
the english ruling class
- Intelligence
- Detachment
- Serve
- Harold Macmillan - Housing Minister
- A tragic and complex figure, macmillan
was older than either Butler or Eden
- He married Lady Dorothy Cavendish
- Macmillan became an Conservative MP for Stockton
in 1924 and developed a real affection for it and a real
concern for the plight of the unemployed
- He became a genuine Tory
radical and, develpoed a real
insight into the "new economic".
- Sir Antony Eden - Foreign Secretary
- Edan was from an
old gentry family
- He was appointed Foreign Secretary at 38 and
resigned in protest to chamberlin's polices. Churchill
appointed him Foreign Sectary again in 1940.
- He was acknowledged
as the leader in waiting