Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Impact of
Spanish War
- Social Impact
- People affected by the death of those on the campaign
- Elizabeth increasingly frugal in patronage
- Led to Essex rebellion
- Social Unrest
- Oxfordshire Rising
- Led to tensions in parliament
- Dissatisfaction expressed in 1589 and 1593
- Monopolies Crisis in 1601
- "Elizabethan war with Spain and the long drawn out
burdens it imposed did play a considerable part in
changing sixteenth century English-men from...
- ...a King-worshipping to a King-criticizing nation"
- Growing anti-catholic sentiment
- Economical Impact
- Ordinary Revenue
- Feudal revenues
- Increased use of monopolies
- Sale of crown lands
- Taxation
- Increased three times
- Parliamentary taxation
barely covered half of war
- Levying and equipping troops
- Countries had to gather, train and arm soldiers endlessly
- Increasingly resentful
- Inflation
- Harvest failure is the prime reason
- Food prices rose 35% during 1590s
- Trade
- Many markets closed
- Those who traded a lot
with Spain were