Heart failure


Medicine Pathology (Heart diseases) Mindmap am Heart failure, erstellt von Shaima Amanda am 30/12/2013.
Shaima Amanda
Mindmap von Shaima Amanda, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Shaima Amanda
Erstellt von Shaima Amanda vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Heart failure
  1. Congestive heart failure
    1. Frank-Starling mechanism
      1. Activate release of norepinephrine
        1. Activate renin-angiotensin system
          1. Activate atrial natriuretic peptide
            1. Compensatory hypertrophy
              1. Increase risk for ishemia


                • COmpensatory hypertrophy is different from physiological hypertrophy as the capillary plexus does not increase.
            2. Left Heart Failure
              1. Ventricular dilation and hypertrophy
                1. myocyte dilation
                2. Affects lungs
                  1. Increased venous pressure in thepulmonary vein
                    1. Pulmonary edema
                      1. Extravasation of RBCs in the alveolar space
                        1. hemosiderin-laden macrophages
                    2. Dyspnea
                      1. Orthopnea
                        1. Paraoxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
                      2. S3
                        1. mitral regurgitation
                          1. systolic murmurs
                      3. Right Heart Failure
                        1. Alongside Left heart failure
                          1. Isolated right heart failure
                            1. Cor pulmonale


                              • Severe pulmonary hypertension
                              1. Affects liver
                                1. Congestive hepatomegaly
                                  1. Nutmeg liver with centrilobular necrosis
                                    1. Fibrotic centrilobule
                                      1. Cardiac cirrhosis
                                2. Portal hypertension
                                  1. Congestive splenomegaly
                                  2. Transfusions
                                    1. Anasarca, ascites, pleural transfusion
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