Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Language General Features
- Equality in
- Acquisition
- Complex structure
- complex rules for phonology
(sounds), morphology(word
formation), syntax (sentence
- languages vary in
complexity of each
level exL English has
little morphology
- expressiveness
- capable of
- vocabulary closely
linked to culture.
complex culture =
complex vocabulary
- all languages add new words
when culture changes. rules of
language change more slowly
- Pidgin emerges when lacking
common language
- no fleshed out grammatical system
- children exposed to pidgin make
it into creole, fully fleshed out
grammatical system
- deaf children isolated,
had own rudimentary
signing systems within
- schools for the deaf made,
younger children evolved
language into ISN with syntactic
- Poverty of the Stimulus
argument: children's
linguistic knowledge
couldn't possibly be
derived entirely from their
linguistic experience.
Language acquisition
generally involves
reinvention of the
- dialects are their own languages.
- languages with high
proportions of adult
learners may simplify ex:
dying languages.
- Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language ABSL:
lots of deafness in village, sign language
emerged. similar to NSL but unlike NSL
onyl now after several generations,
developing a phonology