Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Directors in the 21st century are more concerned with images than words in performance.
- DIscuss the above statement to demonstrate your understanding of the play you have seen in peformance in relation to original performance conditions.
- The Banquet
- Jamie Lloyd: Witches
lines given to Macbeth -
add an impact or reflect
the characters state of
- The Doctor
- Jamie Lloyd: Restrited
by wheelchair in
accurate - supports the
narrative by focusing
on his words
- Audience
- Jamie Lloyd: A form of
entertainment - use of the
visual to enhance the text
- O.P.C: Use of imagination
with a focus on the words
- Audience was surrounding the stage
on different levels - dialogue was
neccesary to understand the play
- Costumes
- Jamie Lloyd: Atmopsheric -
corresponding to the directors concept
- O.P.C.:
Standard for
every play
- Reviews
- Jamie Lloyd: Critical
of the visiral elements
of the production
- Language
- O.P.C.:
of the language
- Jamie Lloyd: Difficult to comprehend for
a modern audience - imagesuppoirts the
text in understanding
- Directors Notes
- "The world has to
spring specifically
from the text."
- Porter's Monologue
- O.P.C: Engaging with
the audience
- Jamie Lloyd: Technically
acurate/engaging with the
audience/a women
- Malcolm's Converstaion
- Jamie Lloyd: Plot significant,
not reliant on image
- Opening with the
- Jamie Lloyd: Special effects and
makes - compromised the dialogue
- O.P.C.: Poetic
dialogue - enhance the
supernatural elements
- Lady Macbeth
- Jamie Lloyd: The image of her bloody hands
compliments her final soliloquy and madness