

Mindmap am Sab9_#141_Procurement_Documents, erstellt von Jou M am 09/03/2016.
Jou M
Mindmap von Jou M, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jou M
Erstellt von Jou M vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Request for proposal ( RFP, sometimes called request for tender )
    1. RFPs request a detailed proposal on how the work will be accomplished, who will do it, résumés, company experience, price, etc.
      1. Type of contract: CR(Cost reimbursable)
      2. Invitation for bid ( IFB, or request for bid, RFB )
        1. IFBs usually just request a total price to do all the work
          1. Type of contract : FP (Fixed Price)
          2. Request for quotation ( RFQ )
            1. RFQs request a price quote per item, hour, meter, or other unit of measure.
              1. Type of contract : T&M(Time and Materials)
              2. Request for Information(RFI)
                1. As one of the types of procurement documents, but in reality,it does not belong in this category. A procurement document is an attempt to procure something, while and RFI is simply looking for Information.
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                ähnlicher Inhalt

                must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
                Grundbegriffe der Kostenrechnung
                05_Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
                Stefan Kurtenbach
                B, Kapitel 2, Arbeits- und Sozialordnung
                Stefan Kurtenbach
                PR UNI WIEN WS 2014/15
                Städte Europas
                Laura Overhoff
                Vokabeltest Italienisch
                Biologie - Genetik
                Flemming H
                Vetie - Biochemie
                Fioras Hu
                Vetie Immunologie
                Kristin E
                Geflügelkrankheiten - Gemischte Altfragen
                Birte Schulz