Zusammenfassung der Ressource
TV narratives
- Series
- new plot-line each week
- recurring characters, locations
- audience is updated
- characters have no memory of what happened before
- like short stories
- Gossip Girl
- Serial
- ongoing plot line
- no resolution at end of episode
- characters know what happened before
- characters 'live on' between episodes
- Soap Opera
- long running
- pressure to maintain ratings
- social education, social narrative issues
- Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty,
Beautiful (the bold and the beautiful)
- Sit Com
- limited run series
- 30-60 mins
- characters behave the same all the time
- problem of the week resolved within episode
- Big Bang Theory
- How I Met Your Mother
- TV subject to technology changes - 3D, on
demand, social media (Twitter)
- multiple texts experienced as flow (Williams)