Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Boldness Week 1
- intro
- boldly say "BOLD"
- history of Acts
- Def of Bold: Behavior born from belief
- belief determines behavior
- brief bckgd of Peter
- acts 4
- arrested (3)
- interrogation (7)
- reply (8-12)
- response (13)
- acts 3 healed lame guy
- God gives ordinary people
extraordinary boldness
- common: "idiotas"
- most translators to kind
- God can use smart people but...
- specializes in using idiots! :)
- back to reply in 8-12
- this was bold!
- Sadducues hated X
- no ressurrection but He's back!
- where did he get that? (8) filled...
- Your boldness will amaze the world
- back to 13
- the council was "amazed"
- why?
- b/c P&J didn't care!
- council didn't agree -
but were amazed!
- how amazed are people by your faith?
- see scale
- Boldness comes from knowing Christ
- how could these guys do this?
- spent time w/X!
- boldness is not the goal!
- knowing X is the goal!
- boldness is always
byproduct of knowing X
- fill in circle
- take home
- plug into the circle
- if ur on the low end of the
scale - upside is huge!
- want to be a bold church
- I want to be a church that is so in love with God
- ask for a raise of hands of those who want to be bold!
- 3 bold facts of amazing boldness