Minerals are formed by


Mindmap am Minerals are formed by, erstellt von Katie S am 31/03/2016.
Katie S
Mindmap von Katie S, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Katie S
Erstellt von Katie S vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Minerals are formed by
  1. Crystallisation from solution in evaporating water (halite)
    1. Minerals can be valuable if they contain metals (ores: haematite, galena, gold) or have properties such as being rare, hard, lustrous and/or coloured that cause them to become precious or semi-precious stones (quartz (amethyst), diamond)
      1. Crystallisation as cement from flowing pore waters (quartz, calcite). As the water cools, the minerals crystallise out from the fluid
        1. Crystallisation from hydrothermal fluids in veins and faults (gangue minerals) (quartz, calcite, ore minerals, hematite, galena)
          1. Metamorphic recrystallisation (calcite, garnet)
            1. Crystallisation from a melt (quartz, feldspar, mica)
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