Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Blood Pathology
- Anemias
- Deficiency in RBC and/or Haemoglobin
- Causes
- Impaired production
- From stem cells
- Renal failure (Erythropoietin failure,) Endocrine disorders
- Maturation of Erythroblasts
- Lack of B12 or Folic Acid
- Fe deficiency
- Increased distruction
- Intrinsic- Hereditry genetic disorders
- Extrinsic- Antibody mediated
- Mechanical trauma to RBC
- Blood Loss
- Fluid overload
- Excessive Na+ intake/Fluid intake
- Pregnancy
- Microcytic (small cell)
- Heme synthesis defect
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Globin synthesis defect
- Thalassemia
- Siderblast anemia
- Bone marrow produces ringed siderblast instead of nice RBCs
- lead poisoning
- Macrocytic
- Megablastic Anemia
- Vit B12 and/or Folic acid deficiency
- Pernicious anemia- Lack of Intrinsic factor for B12 absorbtion
- After stomach bypass surgery
- Hypothyroidisim
- Alcoholisim
- Normocytic
- Loss of RBC's no size problem
- Blood loss
- Aplastic Anemia ( bone marrow failure)
- Dimorphic
- 2 types of RBC usually found after transfusion
- RBC production
- Stimulated by reduced O2
- Made in the marrow of long bones
- Ribs, pelvis, sternum
- as adults
- Final stage of maturation occurs in the blood
- Vit B12 and folic acid needed for maturation
- untill the age of 25
- Which is detected in the kidneys which produces erythropoietin
- Leukemias
- Cancer of the blood or bone marrow
- Acute
- Rapid increase of blood cells
- Overcrowding of these cells clogs up bone marrow
- Unable to produce good blood cell
- quickly become malignant, over flow to blood stream
- common in children
- Cronic
- Build up of almost mature but deformed WBC
- These cells produce faster than normal WBC's but it is still a slow developing cancer
- Found in older people but can happen at any age
- Lymphoblastic (Lymphocytic leukemia)
- From certain type of bone marrow cell that forms Lymphocytes
- Usually -B cell
- Myeloid (Myelogenous luekemias)
- bone marrow cell that goes on to produce RBC's, some WBC's and plateletes
- Combinations of Acute, cronic, lympholastic and myeloid result in other leukemias