Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Lecture 2: Performance
- WHAT IS PERFORMANCE: Performance is the output of an individual or firm
- Effectiveness:
- Output.
- influenced by factors such as work design, technology and equipment
- Productivity:
- Quantity or quality that should be produced.
- CAMPBELL's Performance Model
- Declarative Knowledge: Knowing facts
- Job-Specific Task Proficiency
- Maintaining Discipline
- Demonstrating Effort
- Procedual Knowledge and Skill:
Knowing how to perform a particular
- Facilitating Team and firm performance
- Non Job Specific Task Proficiency
- Motivation: An individual's decision to
perform and exert effort in order to
achieve goals.
- Supervision/leadership
- Mgmt/Administration
- Communication task Proficiency
- Borman's & Motowidlo's (1993) Task and Contextual performance
- Task: Doing what is required
- Varies job to job
- Individual differences are tied to
knowledge and capabilities
- Contextual: Going beyond what is required
- Common to most jobs
- Individual differences are tied to
motivation/ personality
- Organisational Citizenship Behaviour
- Altruism: Helpful behaviours directed
towards members within the
- Generalised Compliance: Behaviour
that is helpful to the broader
- Adaptive Performance: Adapting to
change (important in today's
- Proactive Work Behaviour: People
who make things happen.
- Taxonomy: Adaptivity, Proactivity and Proficiency
- Of the individual, the teams and the organisation
- Individual: Ensure tasks are completed properly, adapts to
new equip, intiates a better way to complete things
- Team: Coordinates work with team members, responds
constructively to team changes and develops methods to
perform better as a team
- Organisation: Talks about org in proactive ways, Coops with
org in changes in operations, makes suggestions to improve
overall efficiency of org
- Research Example: Neal, Yeo, Koy + Xiao (2011): Links differences
among the Big Five personality factors and 9 dimensions of Job
performance. Tested 1447 Aus gov staff and supervisors
- Openness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, Conscientiousness and
- Results: O > indi & org proact (pos) > team & org prof
(neg). A> indi prof (neg). C > All dimensions (pos). E > indi
prof (neg). N > all dimensions (neg).
- Leading & Directing, Supporting & Cooperating, Interacting &
Presenting, Analysing & Interpreting, Creating and Conceptualising,
Organising and Executing, Adapting and Coping, Enterprising and
- Counterproductive work behaviours: Interpersonal or org deviance. Heirarchical Model of Deviance (Sackett)
- Interpersonal: Harassment, Gossip, Fighting.
- Organisation:
- Property deviance: theft, damage, Sabotage.
- Production Deviance: absence, tardiness, long breaks, sloppy work.
- Emotional Labour: The effort, planning & control needed to express organisationally desired emotions during interpersonal interactions.
- Frequency, Attentiveness, Variety and Emotional Dissonance.
- Surface Acting: Engaging in superficial display of the normative emotion without
making any effort to change what one is actually feeling
- Deep Acting: Trying to modify felt emotions in order to bring
both behavious and internal experience into alignment to
expected displays.
- Consequences: SA is a stronger predictor of psychological
distress than DA because more effort is required to meet role
demands, often imposing a drain ones emotional resources.