Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Disciplines of Learning Organizations
Peter Senge
- Learning organizations are where people
continually expand their capacity to create
the results they truly desire.
- 1) They are able to commit 100% to the vision of
the company adopting it as their own..
- 2) They are able to work as team
with hight efficiency and creativity.
- 3) Group of people who are continually enchancing
their capabilities to create what they want to create.
- 4) Every member of the organization is valued,
capable to support and contribute more than normal.
- System thinking
- Considers the
whole and its
parts and the
between them.
- 1968 Ludwing Von Bertalanffy
- You start by
realizing that
there is no
inherent end to
a system.
- Key Questions: why do problems
appear?, how things happen?, when
things happen? which strategies
should be considered in the short,
medium and long term?
- Personal Mastery
- Is a set of specific principles and
practices that enables a person
to learn, create a personal vision,
and view the world objectively.
- It's an image of the
future that you desire.
- It's when we know
who we are that we
can get the ability to:
- Identify ourselves with
the organizatonal vision
- Foster other people to
reach their goals
- *Understanding yourself
*Loving oneself * Self
discipline *Positive Attitude
*Balance in Life
- Creative tension
- This tension
looks for
solutions and
the best
solution is
making our
reality closer
to what we
- "emotional tension"
- Where we kept all
our fears, doubts
and tags.
- Mental Models
- Conceptual fameworks consisting of
generalizations and assumptions from which
we understand the world and take action in it.
- They are our
limit our vision
and way of
- Shared Vision
- Abraham Maslow while studyin
HPT. Discovered that the most
important characteristic is
- The practice of shared vision involves skills of
unearthing shared "picture future" that foster genuine
commitment and enrollment rather than compliance.
- Creating it is not cascading communication. It's about
building it together, mixing top down and bottom up
communication efforts
- Team work
- "Organizations need to work as families"
- Effective team work leads to results which
individuals could not have achieved on their own
and individuals within a team learn more and
faster than they would have without the team.
- Through team
learning, the lerning
ability of the group
becomes greater than
the learning ability of
any individual in the