Start by identifying the SPAF of the task


A mind map plus embedded quizzes to help learners develop the knowledge and skills required to generate effective ideas fro transactional writing tasks for the new Edexcel GCSE English Language paper 2.
Sarah Holmes
Mindmap von Sarah Holmes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sarah Holmes
Erstellt von Sarah Holmes vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Start by identifying the SPAF of the task


  1. S = Subject
    1. Sources of information
      1. Two non-fiction texts from section A
        1. Use these to gather facts, figures, expert opinions and specific examples
          1. Can also use for examples of techniques and material to use as the content for your writing
          2. Your own knowledge of the subject
            1. Remember to draw on what you know about the subject and don't underestimate your own knowledge!
        2. P = Purpose
          1. There are 5 purposes in transactional writing
            1. Argue, persuade, advise, inform, explain
              1. Each purpose has its own set of conventions
                1. When you know the purpose(s) of the task you will know what language and structural conventions to use
                  1. Make sure you have a good understanding of the conventions of each of the 5 purposes
                    1. Effective transactional writing will use the correct conventions for the purpose(s) of the task set
            2. A = Audience
              1. The person or people you expect to read or listen to your text
                1. Audiences are specific types or groups of people
                  1. You must consider who they are, why they are accessing your text and how they will be accessing your text.
                    1. You must make choices of vocabulary, structure & content that are appropriate for the specific audience you have been asked to write for.
              2. F = Form
                1. This is the type of text you are asked to create
                  1. The forms you might be asked to create are all non-fiction. You will NEVER be asked to write a story or poem for the transactional writing tasks
                    1. Each form has its own conventions which you must use
                      1. You could be asked to write any of the forms of texts covered in the reading non-fiction unit
                        1. You must make sure you use the language and structural conventions for the form of text you have been asked to create
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