Yaisito vs Penguin, a Friendly Battle


Mindmap am Yaisito vs Penguin, a Friendly Battle, erstellt von Leslie Sanchez3214 am 29/04/2016.
Leslie Sanchez3214
Mindmap von Leslie Sanchez3214, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Leslie Sanchez3214
Erstellt von Leslie Sanchez3214 vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Yaisito vs Penguin, a Friendly Battle
  1. Exposition
    1. Setting: Yaisito's house and school
      1. Characters: Yaisito, Aunt Cookie, Light, Darkness, Evil Penguin
        1. Conflict : An evil penguin wants to separate Yaisito from his friends.
        2. Rising Action:
          1. Yaisito is preparing to go to school with the help of Aunt Cookie. When he gets to school, he goes to his friends.
          2. Climax :
            1. . Yaisito has to decide if he is going to stand up for his friendship,
            2. Falling action:
              1. Yaisito decides to fight for Light and Darkness
              2. Resolution:
                1. The evil penguin gets scared and runs away. Yaisito ends up happily with his friends .
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