Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Bold Week 4
- intro
- been going through Acts 4
- today Acts 5 - Bold Obedience
- give short background
- acts 5.17ff
- amazing boldness, bold
prayers, bold speaking
- 3 prinicples that we
experience when we obey
- Bold obedience triggers opposition
- 5.18
- 2nd time in prison
- often times we think
opposition isn't fair
- "God, I am serving you,
why the trouble?"
- if ur not ready for opposition, ur
not ready to be used by God
- b/c when you obey, opposition will come.
- when I went to MBBC, started GPC, when
we announced the move
- Bold obedience releases God's working
- 5.19
- angel shows up, no big deal
- instructs, and they go
- but why are we surprised?
- Mark and Wanda, GPC $$$
- Bold obedience requires faith
- 5.20
- just told to go & do what got them
thrown in jail for the 2nd time!
- w/out faith, it is impossible to please God
- they didn't know what was going to happen
- but it didn't matter
- finish the story (21b-42)
- take home
- Kinkade interview