Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Lung Diseases
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- immune system build wall around TB
bacteria in lungs - TUBERCLES
- infected tissue dies, reducing SA
and Tidal Volume
- Fibrosis further reduces TV
- Symptoms
- Ventilation Rate increases
- blood and mucus coughed up
- chest pains and fatigue
- Fibrosis
- scar tissue forms due to infection
or exposure to asbestos, dust etc.
- scar tissue is thicker and less elastic
- diffusion is slower across so less
oxygen is available to the body
- can't expand so well, reduces Tidal Volume
- Symptoms
- increased Ventilation Rate
- dry cough
- weakness and fatigue
- chest pains
- Asthma
- airways become inflamed/irritated
usually because of allergic reaction
- smooth muscle lining Bronchioles produces lots of mucus,
causing constriction of airways and reduction of air flow
- Symptoms
- wheezing and shortness
of breath
- tight chest
- can be treated with
inhalers which relax
Bronchiole muscles
- Emphysema
- trapped foreign particles
cause inflammation
- Phagocytes attracted to area
- release enzyme that breaks down Elastin
(protein in alveoli walls which helps them
return to usual shape after in/exhalation)
- Alveoli can't Recoil so well, so some air is trapped
- Alveoli Walls destroyed, reducing gas exchange
- Symptoms
- wheezing and shortness
of breath
- increased Ventilation Rate
- caused by smoking or long-term
exposure to air pollution