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The mind map outlines all of the key theories of poverty and the underclass.
Becca Gaden
Mindmap von Becca Gaden, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Becca Gaden
Erstellt von Becca Gaden vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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  1. Charles Murray
    1. Gives a cultural explanation of poverty and the underclass
      1. Underclass represents poverty which is rooted in undesirable attitudes, illegitimacy and crime and unemployment
        1. Critics accuse Murray of 'Victim blaming'.
          1. Benefits system needs to be changed e.g. reducing welfare benefits to force members of underclass to take on more responsibilities.
            1. Harvey and MacDonald (Teeside- 2000) tested murray's views that the underclass have different views to mainstream society.
              1. Majority of underclass DO have conventional aspirations
            2. Stephen Craine Sceptical of view that there is an underclass in society. Most studies show little evidence of 'worky-shy', criminal young people.
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