India - Key individuals


Mindmap am India - Key individuals, erstellt von fliggis123 am 26/04/2013.
Mindmap von fliggis123, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von fliggis123 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

India - Key individuals
  1. Gandhi
      1. jinnah
        1. Nehru
            1. Lord Curzon
              1. passionate about india
                1. high self regard led to his downfall 1905
                  1. offered resignation as a tactic, accepted after partition
                2. saw viceroy as his destiny
                  1. died 1925
                  2. high-minded about Britain
                    1. disappointing later career
                      1. chancellor of oxford university
                        1. still bitter in 1912
                      2. Gokhale
                        1. drawn to indian nationalism
                          1. rose rapidly through politics
                          2. admired British raj
                            1. wanted self govt.
                              1. opposed mass action and challenging authority
                              2. appealed to indian middle-class
                                1. recognised by gandhi
                              3. Tilak
                                1. Besant
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