Analysis of Kanye West Promotional Poster


Mindmap am Analysis of Kanye West Promotional Poster, erstellt von rebeccajmartinx am 26/02/2014.
Mindmap von rebeccajmartinx, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von rebeccajmartinx vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Analysis of Kanye West Promotional Poster
  1. Kanye is at the centre of the poster which gives instant recognition to him and his abum
    1. The bleeding from the broken heart is wrapped around him showing a personal experience, heartfelt.
      1. bright, fun, childish colours keeps it happy
        1. serious look on his face - he means business
    2. Use of bright colours and a cartoon effect makes it fun and bright makes people curious and want to listen to the album
      1. The suit adds a formality he is appealing to all audiences
        1. He has not added his name to the poster showing that he is already well known and you can already recognise him through the image of him
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