Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Altruism and morality
- Definitions
- Morality - The ability to distinct between right and wrong
- Empathy -Ability to understand others emotions and
experience emotions that match to these
- Emotional contagion - The
tendency for two individuals to
emotionally converge, via
automatic mimicry
- Compassion - Feeling and acting kindly towards another
- Empathy
- Emotional Contagion
- E. Palagi, A. Leone, G. Mancini and P.
F. Ferrari Yawning in Gelada baboons
- Sympathetic concern
- Perspective taking
- Mimicry, coordination
- Neccesity for social living
and surveil
- Empathy as explanation for
- Not just cognitive
process but also
- Mirror neurons
- Binti Jua case study
- Morality
- Punishment for breaking social
rules in chimps
- Fairness
- Evolutionary necessity
- Kin selection
- Evolutionary stable stratergy
- Russian doll model
- Benefits to living in groups - Oxytocin
release (Animals in translation)
- By product of evolution to live socially
- Mirror neurons
- Altruism
- Sterile castes
- Ultimate cause vs Proximate cause
- Why learned altruism rare - future
rewards to far ahead from animals
- Selfish-based altruism
- Humans empathy
- Veneer theory
- Behavioural - are morals learnt (do
babies have morals)
- Religion