Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Klein vs. Bowlby
- 1927
- Theory
- Object Relations Theory
- Influence of
Thanatos on anxiety
- Measured by Quality
of Object Relations
Scale (QORS)
- Phantasy
(unconscious) vs.
Fantasy (conscious)
- Innovative child analysis,
positive move away from
Oedipus/Elektra complex
- 1969
- Theory
- First attachment theorist
- Types:
- Secure
- Insecure
- Ainsworth Research
- Avoidant
- Anxious-Ambivalent
- Good experimental
support but effected
by culture
- Focus on attachment,
no other biological
- Distinguishes between
sexual and emotional
- Compare
- Supporting measurements
- Revival of psychodynamic approach
- Positive view, not
- Contrast
- Klein - Whole
mother-child relationship,
Bowlby - Only focuses
on attachment
- Klein - Self-supporting scale,
Bowlby - Needs Ainsworth
- Klein - Too Freudian,
Bowlby - Ignores concepts