

words with GET
Karla Montoya Aguirre
Mindmap von Karla Montoya Aguirre, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Karla Montoya Aguirre
Erstellt von Karla Montoya Aguirre vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Get a lift
    1. Manuel and Joseph have to get a lift because they don't have enough money to pay the taxi.
    2. Get on
      1. Students are getting on the bus.
      2. Get off
        1. Andre had to get off the train because he took the wrong one.
        2. Get stuck
          1. Many people get Stuck in Javier Prado's traffic.
          2. Get lost
            1. Javier got lost in the Jungle.
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            ähnlicher Inhalt

            4. Toma de decisiones
            Aldo Di Liberto
            Biomecanica Muscular
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