Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Mexico
- Lake Texcoco
- 700 years
- Modern Mexico City
- Land of Prickly Pear Cactus
- Soldiers
- 17 years
- Macahuitl
- Telpochali
- pricked with cactus
- Human Sacrifice
- Gods and Godesses
- Sun dies needs blood to rise
- chinampas: Floating Gardens
- Food and Farming
- maize
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Maguey cactus
- Fibres
- Sap
- Dried leaves
- Spine
- Hernan Cortes-Conquistador
- 1519:invasion
- Coinquered 1521
- Diseases
- Measles, Small pox, whooping
cough, maleria, yellow fever