Foundations in Chemistry


Mindmap am Foundations in Chemistry, erstellt von Peter Polz am 28/10/2016.
Peter  Polz
Mindmap von Peter Polz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Peter  Polz
Erstellt von Peter Polz vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Foundations in Chemistry
  1. Atoms and elements
    1. Properties of sub-atomic particles
      1. Nuclear symbols
        1. Define: element, isotopes, ion
        2. Electronic structure
          1. Define orbital
            1. What shape are orbitals?
              1. How many electrons can each shell and sub-shell hold?
                1. What order are the sub-shells filled in?
                2. Equations for chemical calculations
                  1. 7 equations needed for chemical calculations, state units for all quantities.
                  2. Masses + formulae
                    1. Define:
                      1. Relative Atomic Mass
                        1. Relative Isotopic Mass
                          1. Relative Molecular Mass
                            1. Relative Formula Mass
                            2. Define:
                              1. Molecular Formula
                                1. Empirical Formula
                                2. Define:
                                  1. Hydrated
                                    1. Anhydrous
                                      1. Water of Crystallisation
                                    2. Common molecules, ions, acids, bases
                                      1. State formulae of:
                                        1. 4 molecules
                                          1. 8 ions
                                            1. 5 acids
                                              1. 3 bases
                                            2. Acids and bases
                                              1. Define:
                                                1. Acid
                                                  1. Base
                                                    1. Alkali
                                                      1. Salt
                                                      2. Strong acids vs. weak acids
                                                      3. Reactions of acids
                                                        1. Equations for 4 reactions of acids
                                                          1. Give ionic equation for neutralisaiton
                                                          2. Oxidation + reduction: redox
                                                            1. State 4 different ways of describing oxidation and reduction.
                                                              1. Define:
                                                                1. Oxidising agent
                                                                  1. Reducing agent
                                                                  2. Roman numerals in formulae?
                                                                  3. Bonding:
                                                                    1. Ionic
                                                                      1. Metallic
                                                                        1. Covalent
                                                                          1. Covalent lattices
                                                                        2. Intermolecular forces
                                                                          1. Shapes
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