Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Animal Responses
- The Nervous system
- Two main structural systems
- Central Nervous System
- Brain and Spinal chord
- Peripheral Nervous system
- Neurones
- Somatic
- Controls conscious activities
- Autonomic
- Controls unconscious
- Sympathetic (Fight or Flight)
- Parasympathetic (Rest and Digest)
- Reflex Actions
- Where the body responds
to a stimulus without
making a conscious
- Stimulus - Receptors - CNS - Effectors - Response
- Heart
- Generated by
Sinoatrial node
- Controlled in
response to
- High/low blood pressure
- High/low blood O2
- High/low blood CO2
- High/low blood PH
- You can investigate
using a heart rate
monitor and the
Student's t-test
- T-test used to find any
significant difference in
the means of two data
- Muscle Contraction
- Coordinated by the CNS