Main applications to create visual representations


Mindmap am Main applications to create visual representations, erstellt von Verónica Riera am 01/12/2016.
Verónica Riera
Mindmap von Verónica Riera, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Verónica Riera
Erstellt von Verónica Riera vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Main applications to create visual representations
  1. Mind Manager
    1. designed by Mindjet
      1. you can capture information from the web and organise it later
        1. possibility of synchronising with a mobile device
        2. FreeMind
          1. Open source tool
            1. it allows exporting to different extensions
              1. only to be installed on PCs
              2. CMapTools
                1. Free software
                  1. it requires Cmap Server to connect published concept maps
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