Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The European
- Institutions 7
- The Commission
- Who? 28 Commissioners
appointed by member state
governments. (Maire Geoghan
- Each
commissioner is
responsible of a
particular area.
- Responsibility? To propose new laws,
to manage the day to day
running of the EU.
- Works solely in the interest of
the EU.
- European Parliament
Lux / Strasbourg/ Brussels
- Directly elected by EU citizens.
- Represents EU citizens
- Debates and passes EU legislation jointly with the Council of Europe
- Approves the EU budget and is a watchdog for the citizens
- Council of the European Union
- Who? Ministers from each of
28 governments which minister
depends on what is being
- Responsibility ?To pass EU law with
the parliament.
- Directive LB
- Change or amend national law to achieve objective
- Regulations LB
- Applies to all states in the same way.
- Decision LB
- Applies to one c ountry, company or person.
- Recommendation Not LB
- Expresses an opinion that the member state can accept or not.
- European Council
- http://www.european-council.europa.eu/home-page.aspx?lang=en
- Who? 28
Heads of State
(Enda Kenny)
- Responsibility? To set the
direction and priorities of
the EU
- Represents: Individual countries.
- Court of Auditors
- Monitors income and expenditure.
- Ensures EU money is spent in a way that provides best value to EU tax payers
- 28 members
- Court of Justice
- 28 judges
- Responsibility? To interpret EU law and make sure EU
law is applied equally in every state.
- European Central
Bank Frankfurt
- Responsibility?
Managing the euro
and the EU’s
monetary policy
- Policies
- Environmental Policy by 2020
- aims to help prevent climate change by seriously
reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 20%
- aims to raise
renewable energy’s
share of the market to
20 %
- aims to cut overall energy
consumption by 20 %.
- 10 % of fuel for transport
should come from biofuerls,
electricity or hydrogen.
- Common Agricultural Policy
- Stable supply of affordable food
- Keep countryside alive
- Environmentally sustainable production
- Protect income of farmers
- Attracting young farmers
- Common Fisheries Policy
- http://youtu.be/TnXSFznoVaQ
- Conservation of fish stock
- Protect the marine environment
- Promoting Aquaculture
- Stable affordable supply of food
- Protect the income of fishermen
- Single European Market
- Freedom of movement of
- Capital
- Workers
- Goods
- No trade barriers within
- Common External Barriers
- Tariff
- tax/customs duty
- Quota
- Restrictiton on quantities
- Embargo
- Complete ban
- Subsidies
- Helps out home trade
- Regional /Structural Policy
- ERDF and ESF
- Cohesion and Equality
- Infrastructure and
- Competition Policy
- To ensure free competition and prevent anti-competitive behaviour
- Cartels - price fixing
- Abuse of dominant position - squeezing competitors out
- Monitors mergers
- Open markets to competition
- Why? Low prices,
better quality,
innovation, more choice.
- http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/player.cfm?ref=I072385