Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Protecting The Consumer
- why do consumers need protection?
- misleading
- slick sales methods
- unsafe or low quality goods or services
- overhcarging and incorrect
- consumers are protected
- consumer laws
- sale of goods and supply of services act 1980
- merchantable quality
- fit for purpose
- as described
- correspond to sample
- suppliers of services must be qualified
- consumer information act 1978
- there should be no hidden extras eg. holiday advertised @ $400 with hidden charge of fuel
- an item must be one pice for 28 consecutive days before it can be considered 'on sale/reduced' at a cheaper price.
- organisations
- enterprise ireland; sets standard for quality of goods and
- consumer association; advises its members about
good and services and laws affecting consumers
- officer of the director of consumer affairs;
publishes booklets advising consumers of
their rights
- trade associations; most suppliers of goods and services are members of
organisations which lay down standards of conduct for their members.
eg;Irish Travel Agents Association (ITAA), Society of the Irish Motor
Industry (SIMI), Register of Electrical Contractors of Ireland (RECI)
- the ombudsman looks into complaints by members of the public against state organisations.
- ombudsman for credit institutions;
complaints against banks and building
- insurance ombudsman of ireland; complaints
against insurance companies.
- food labels and bar
- a food label
- be clear and
- show name of food and ingredients in ascending
- show unit price and actual selling price
- show use-by date