Blood & Circulation


GCSE Triple Biology (Blood & Circulation) Mindmap am Blood & Circulation, erstellt von Scott Church am 08/05/2013.
Scott Church
Mindmap von Scott Church, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Scott Church
Erstellt von Scott Church vor fast 12 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Blood & Circulation
  1. Red Blood Cells
    1. Contain no nucleus (doesn't have a dip in the centre)> more oxygen carried
      1. Large surface area compared to volume > oxygen close to surface
      2. Platelets
        1. Platelets clot the blood after a wound > prevents infection and blood loss
          1. People with haemophilia have a faulty gene that codes for the clotting process
          2. White Blood Cells
            1. Larger than red blood cells, flexible shape to help engulf disease organism
              1. Protects against infection by digesting harmful microbes, bacteria digested inside WBC
                1. Able to squeeze out of capillaries to defend different tissues
                  1. Has a dip in the centre and has a nucleus
                  2. Plasma
                    1. Contains mostly water, dissolved food, urea, hormones and carbon dioxide
                      1. Pale yellow fluid carries blood cells, useful and waste substances around the body through blood vessels
                      2. Arteries = Away
                        1. Arteries have thick walls because the blood pressure is very high. They also have thick elastic walls
                        2. veINs = IN
                          1. Capillaries = Small cells
                            1. Valves = Open and close to let blood through and to prevent back flow
                              1. Heart is made out of muscle
                                1. Capillaries take blood to small cells
                                  1. The heart has a double circulation, meaning blood can be pumped to the lungs and body at the same time
                                    1. Pulmonary Artery > Carries blood from the heart to the lungs
                                      1. Aorta (Artery) > Carries blood from heart to body
                                        1. Pulmonary Vein > Carries blood from lung to heart
                                          1. Vena Cava (Vein) > Carries blood from body to heart
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