Leila has pain


Medicine Mindmap am Leila has pain, erstellt von rania khalil am 25/02/2017.
rania khalil
Mindmap von rania khalil, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
rania khalil
Erstellt von rania khalil vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Leila has pain
  1. Anatomy of the forearm
    1. Pain
      1. physiology of pain
        1. transduction
          1. transmission
            1. interpretation
              1. modulation
              2. pain preception
                1. cognitive
                  1. biological
                    1. behavioral
                    2. types
                      1. acute
                        1. chronic
                        2. Dermatomes
                          1. Distribution of sensory nerve fibers
                          2. noci receptors
                            1. unimodal
                              1. polymodal
                                1. silent
                              2. shingles
                                1. history taking
                                  1. positive points
                                    1. age
                                      1. immune disesase
                                        1. chemotherapy
                                          1. recent bone marrow transplant
                                          2. stress
                                        2. physical examination
                                          1. inspection
                                            1. palpation
                                              1. ROM
                                              2. diagnosis
                                                1. signs and symptoms
                                                  1. pain
                                                    1. itching and tingling
                                                      1. rash
                                                        1. fever
                                                          1. headaches
                                                            1. blisters
                                                          2. cause
                                                            1. reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus
                                                            2. complications
                                                              1. postherpetic neuralgia
                                                                1. eye problems and ramsay hunt syndrome
                                                                2. Treatment
                                                                  1. pharmacological
                                                                    1. NSAIDS
                                                                      1. block formation of prostaglandins
                                                                      2. Pain killers
                                                                        1. opiods
                                                                          1. act on opioid receptors
                                                                          2. narcotics
                                                                          3. antivirals
                                                                            1. acyclovir
                                                                              1. polymerase inhibitor
                                                                            2. antidepressants
                                                                              1. Benzodiazepine
                                                                            3. non pharmacological
                                                                              1. Psychotherapy
                                                                                1. 'talking cures’ to treat mental disorders over time
                                                                                2. Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
                                                                                  1. Physical and occupational therapy
                                                                                3. definition
                                                                                  1. characteristics
                                                                                    1. single dermatome distribution
                                                                                      1. belt like appearance
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