Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- is a visual programming
- development environment based on flowcharts
- A flowchart is a collection of connected graphic symbols
- each symbol represents a instruction to be exectuded
- reasons for use it
- The RAPTOR development environment minimizes the amount of syntax you must learn to write correct
program instructions.
- The RAPTOR development environment is visual. RAPTOR programs are diagrams (directed graphs) that
can be executed one symbol at a time. This will help you follow the flow of instruction execution in RAPTOR
- RAPTOR is designed for ease of use. (You might have to take our word for this, but other programming
development environments are extremely complex.)
- RAPTOR error messages are designed to be more readily understandable by beginning programmers.
- Our goal is to teach you how to design and execute algorithms. These objectives do not require a
heavy-weight commercial programming language such as C++ or Java.
- structure
- start
- end
- assignment
- call
- input
- output
- selection
- loop