Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Fatima’s Arrhythmic Case
- Classification of arrhythmias
- According to anatomical site
- Supraventricular (narrow QRS)
- Atrial extrasystole
- ECG pattern
- abnormal beat arises from the atrium
before the expected sinus beat
- Supraventricular tachycardia
- cause
- Ectopic focus
- ECG pattern
- Rregular
- 150-250 BPM
- Abnormal P wave shape
- treatment
- vagal maneuver
- Atrial flutter
- ECG pattern
- Saw-toothed
- Atrail rate 250-350 BPM
- Atrial fibrillation
- ECG pattern
- absent P wave
- Irregular irregular, of RR wave
- Ventricular (wide QRS)
- Ventricular tachycardia
- cause
- ectopic focus
- ECG pattern
- three or more beats of ventricular origin in succession
- Ventricular fibrillation
- Cause
- several ectopic foci in ventricles
- No pattern in ECG
- No pulse
- Most serious (cause death)
- According to the mechanism
- Disturbance of impulse formation:
- Abnormal sinus rhythms
- Sinus Tachycardia
- Causes
- Physiological
- Physical exercise
- Pharmacological
- Anticholinergic drugs (atropine)
- pathological
- Thyrotoxicosis, Anaemia
- ECG pattern
- 1:1 P:QRS
- Regular
- 100-200 BPM
- Sinus Bradycardia
- Causes
- Physiological
- in athletes, at deep sleep
- Pharmacological
- Beta blockers
- pathological
- Hypothyroidism, sick
sinus syndrome
- ECG pattern
- less than 60 BPM
- Regular
- 1:1 P:QRS
- Shift of the pacemaker
- Disturbance of impulse conduction
- Atrioventricular block
- First Degree
- ECG pattern
- 1:1 P:QRS
- Regular
- PR interval > 0.2 sec; > 5
small boxes
- Second Degree
- Mobitz 1
- Cause
- AV node abnormality
- ECG pattern
- Progressive increase in PR interval
until one QRS is dropped
- Mobitz 2
- Cause
- bundle of His block
- ECG pattern
- normal P-R interval
- 2: 1 or 3: 1 P:QRS
- = dropped a beat
- Third Degree
- ECG pattern
- Dissociation between P wave and QRS
- Bundle branch block
- Right
- Left
- Pharmacological managment
- Antiarrhythmic Drugs
- Class I drugs
- use
- Suppress ventricular arrhythmias
- mechanism
- Sodium channels blockers
- Class II drugs
- use
- inhibit AV node
- mechanism
- β-adrenoceptors blockers
- example
- Propranolol
- Class III drugs
- mechanism
- Prolongs refractory period
- K+ channel blocker
- example
- Amiodarone
- Class IV drugs
- mechanism
- Calcium channel blockers
- example
- Verapamil
- Class V drugs
- mechanism
- Muscarinic antagonist
- example
- Adenosine
- others
- Atropine
- mechanism
- Anticholinergic drug
- use
- Increase heart rate in bradycardia and heart blocks
- Digitalis
- use
- Inhibit AV node; treat atrial fibrillation
- mechanism
- inhibit Na+\K+ pump
- shorten the refractory period
- Anticoagulant drugs
- Heparin
- Structure
- polysaccharides
- water-soluble
- safe at pregnancy
- Actions & Uses
- Increases the activity of antithrombin 3
- inhibit factor 5 & Thrombin (f 2)
- prophylaxis against deep vein thrombosis
- Administration
- Intravenously
- immediate effect
- ER, Post-operation
- Metabolism
- Heparin is metabolized in the liver by heparinase
- excreted in the urine
- Adverse effects
- Bleeding
- Warfarin
- Structure
- lipid souluble
- pass placenta
- could cause teratogenicity
- Action & uses
- inhibit Vitamin K
- Inhibit Factors 2,7,9,10
- for patients of Artificial Valve or Atrail fibrillation
- because congestion can lead to couglation
- whose risk for a stroke is high
- Administration
- orally
- Low therapeutic index
- 100% bioavailability
- Adverse Effect
- Bleeding
- teratogenicity
- Clinical Presentation
- Palpitation
- Definition
- Intermittent “pounding,” sensation in the chest.
- During rest
- Etiology
- cardiac (43%)
- Cardiac causes
- Regular
- supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias
- Irregular
- atrial fibrillation
- other causes
- tobacco, caffeine, atropine, thyroxine, cocaine
- Dizziness
- Causes
- orthostatic hypotension
- cardiac dysrhythmia
- medication effects & others
- Cardiac mechanism
- Insufficient cardiac output
- insufficient oxygen to the brain
- Thrombosis As An Arrhythmic Complication
- Types of Thrombus
- Pale Thrombus
- Mainly platelet
- Cardiac chambers or arteries
- Red Thrombus
- Fibrin,RBCs, WBCs and platelets
- veins
- Mixed Thrombus
- Alternating layers of platelets + fibrin, RBCs
- In heart or aorta
- Public health approach to atrial fibrillation
- Define the problem
- Identify risk and protective factors
- congestive heart failure
- diabetes mellitus
- obesity
- alcohol consumption
- hypertension
- Develop and test prevention strategies
- Ensure widespread adoption