

Mindmap am Chilli, erstellt von Farah Nabila am 14/03/2017.
Farah Nabila
Mindmap von Farah Nabila, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Farah Nabila
Erstellt von Farah Nabila vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Cleaning and Sorting purpose is to get a better quality of chili
    1. Cleaning
      1. Aim:: to separate chili pods from waste materials
        1. Accomplished in the field before transported for next processing
          1. Benefits::
            1. Reduce cost in transporting waste materials
              1. Provide nutrient for next year crop
            2. Method
                1. Sorting
                  1. Aim:: to grading the chili according to parameters
                    1. Size
                      1. Colour
                        1. Shape
                        2. Machine use
                          1. CCD Color Sorter
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