Mind map for PROTEIN


Contains info on: What it is, Food sources, Function in body, Excess & Deficiency.
Tasmin Brooks
Mindmap von Tasmin Brooks, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tasmin Brooks
Erstellt von Tasmin Brooks vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Mind map for PROTEIN
  1. Excess
    1. Can cause too much nitrogen in the body
      1. means that the liver and kidney have to work harder to get rid of the excess N
        1. Puts them under stress, and could cause them to be harmed
    2. What is it?
      1. Macronutrient
        1. Amino Acids
          1. 20
            1. Essential
              1. Children 10
                1. Adults 8
            2. Biological Value (BV)
              1. Low BV
                1. Some essential AAs missing
                  1. Protein Complementation
                    1. Rice; Peas
                      1. Beans; Toast
                        1. Lentil soup; Bread
                    2. High BV
                      1. Contains all essential AAs
                  2. Food Sources
                    1. Plant
                      1. Cereals
                        1. Beans; Peas; Lentils
                          1. Nuts
                            1. Myco-protein; Tofu; TVP; Tempeh
                            2. Animal
                              1. Meat; Fish; Poultry
                                1. Eggs
                                  1. Milk; Cheese; Yoghurt
                                2. Function in the body
                                  1. To make the body grow
                                    1. To repair the body
                                      1. To give the body energy
                                        1. Many important natural substances are made of protein such as:
                                          1. Hormones
                                            1. Enzymes
                                              1. Antibodies
                                            2. Deficiency
                                              1. Children won't grow properly
                                                1. Loss of hair
                                                  1. Skin and nails in poor condition
                                                    1. Easily develop infections
                                                      1. Unable to digest food properly
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