Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mind map for PROTEIN
- Excess
- Can cause too much nitrogen in the body
- means that the liver and kidney have to work harder to get rid of the excess N
- Puts them under stress, and could cause them to be harmed
- What is it?
- Macronutrient
- Amino Acids
- 20
- Essential
- Children 10
- Adults 8
- Biological Value (BV)
- Low BV
- Some essential AAs missing
- Protein Complementation
- Rice; Peas
- Beans; Toast
- Lentil soup; Bread
- High BV
- Contains all essential AAs
- Food Sources
- Plant
- Cereals
- Beans; Peas; Lentils
- Nuts
- Myco-protein; Tofu; TVP; Tempeh
- Animal
- Meat; Fish; Poultry
- Eggs
- Milk; Cheese; Yoghurt
- Function in the body
- To make the body grow
- To repair the body
- To give the body energy
- Many important natural substances are made of protein such as:
- Hormones
- Enzymes
- Antibodies
- Deficiency
- Children won't grow properly
- Loss of hair
- Skin and nails in poor condition
- Easily develop infections
- Unable to digest food properly