Wolsey appeared the dominant figure in government, in reality did he merely follow Henry's bidding?


Mindmap am Wolsey appeared the dominant figure in government, in reality did he merely follow Henry's bidding?, erstellt von lilidekker am 10/05/2014.
Mindmap von lilidekker, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lilidekker vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Wolsey appeared the dominant figure in government, in reality did he merely follow Henry's bidding?
  1. He was indeed the dominant figure in government
    1. He followed Henry's bidding
      1. His powers were reliant on the whims of Henry's personality. Sometimes Henry would heavily involve himself in his country's affiairs, other times not.
        1. Henry reassereted his authority well before Wolsey's downfall
          1. Amicable Grant Crisis:
            1. Surprise attack on Frencg navy
              1. Abess at Nunnery
              2. Wolsey had to be pragmatic and change his mind
                1. He was initally against French in vasion in (date)
                2. Wolsey and the King worked together so essentially Wolsey's policies were the King's. A partnership based on mutual trust and respect.
                  1. King always had final say. Wolsey only receveived the power because King did not want to handle administrative duties himself.
                    1. Disagreements: 1) Amicable Grant Crisis, 2) Abess at Nunnery, 3) failed to gain annulment, 4) French navy
                      1. The fact that Henry kept Wolsey in power for 15 years shows that Henry was in charge and made his own decisions, despite hatred of nobility for Wolsey because of his low birth
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