Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How would select the healthiest soup?
- USE OF individual product INFORMATION
- So I'm looking here at the product description...."by choosing love life product
you are improving the nutrition balance of your diet" so this is what it tells me
but do I really feel it does..? so I need to look in a bit more detail (DM)
- looks at product desription (and LL sub-brand)
- So I scroll down it;s given me the
nutrition value. Being a weight
watcher you can appreciate it;s
important to look what's in it (DM
- LOOKS at the nutrition information in the PI window
- Using the weight watchers calculator I can pick out protein...one thing
I've learnt is that it can appear per hundred grams or it can appear per
half pot (DM)
- Refers to WW calculator to help interpret nutrition iformation
- I suppose I'm looking at the salt, fat
protein I'm not really into the
healthiest (DM)
- Not usual to select healthiest. Definition of what healthy is to them
- The healthiest I'm thinking is loaded with sugar and salt (DM)
- Suspicion of healthy product claims?
- (Following failed attempt to find healthy
options) Well obviously not one with
cream in it, not cream of tomato, watery
based I would go for (j)
- Use of ingredients and product name to guide healthy credentials
- You want to look at the product information..I
don't know how you;d find it on here....you click
on the quick view. I just did that by chance (JC)
- I don't actually know how to
do it on here because I've
never done it. (Jc)
- Product information and nutrition would
help me chose if you're wanting it for a
special diet or for weight loss or if you
wanted it for allergy information (Jc)
- I don't know how you'd...unless you compared it I
don't know how to do a comparision on Morrison's
website (Jc).
- i'd normally just have my favourites and jsut
shop off that. I don't normally search around
the website (Jc)
- Tried to compare. NOT SURE HOW ON WEBSITE
- well it might be two soups I weren't too sure on... i
usually tend to go er... I would look at a vegetable
based one er rather than a creamly one thinking
that's more healthy (JG)
- then maybe just look at calorie content (JG)
- mentions the need to look at nutrition (Calorie) content
- I don't often go down to er all its various I'll only look as
far as additional information. So I'm not really drilling
down into whatever vitamins its got in it ....(JG)
- Scrolls down PI page of existing soup (from previous task)
- I would look at this additional advice..that's where I'd get my
carbohydrate..but if it's got lower than five then i'd think it's
alright. (JG)
- refers to CHO 5g to help
interpret (own diet rules)
- then I'd just go and pick another
know and..do a comparator you
know I'd pick another soup and
have a look at it.. (jg).
- I know there's a quicker way
of doing this...but I never do it
- Wouldn't normally do
it so doesn't know
- Mentioned aim is compare
information (did not perform)
- View it's details...I'll probably go down to the
nutritional advice or nutrition ingredients (JG) I'd
look at fat and carbohydrates maybe look at
fibre. It hasn't got much carbohydrate or much
fibre. I'd maybe look at protein...I'd just have an
eye on salt content...I must say though I don't
know what level you're supposed to have (JG)
- Even when values found....one product Intpretation of absolute values mentioned here, uncertain!
- Usually fairly simlar even with the premium ones
calories I've not noticed much difference between
even the premium ones.... but in others there can be
vast differences... like full fat and low fat...I know
there's lot more sugar in the the low fat so I've
intentionally witched to the full fat whereac at one
time that (low) would have been my over riding
(choice) (JG)
- Suspicion of healthy product (low fat) claims
- Brand comparision (as a
proxy?) (see TOP LEFT OF
- Creamy vs vegetable ingredients metioned
- I'd then put in the search bar "healthy soups" (P1)
- It's not what I was expecting (results show
slimfast crisps).(types in soups and selected
"fresh soups" from automatic list under
search bar) (P1)
- Fresh soup as a proxy for healthy
following failed attempt to navigate
- so it's put my favourite first, those we've ordered
before so that's useful. I'm scrolling down, because
now I'm looking for healthy options. but it just says
yeast free, wehat free, lactose free, gluten free. (P1)
- So because it's not brought any healthy option soups up, all I've done is bring up all otions with
vegetables....So I'll guess I'll go for vegetarian. that's brings up every vegetable soup. (p1)
- Uses
vegetarian as
proxy for
- There's gonna be no
meat in that so it
might be marginally
better than one
rammed with er, meat.
- ASKED IS THERE ANY OTHER INFORMATION YOU:D LOOK AT? (following failed attempt to
navigate, selecting vegetarians) well I suppose you could look read the pack information. (clicks
onto product information window) Points to table. Now that's very simple and straight forward.
Tells me how much fat's in there as a prepared one hundred grams (p1)
- I wouldn't
normally do
that (p1)
- Not normal to
view PI
- So this is going ot be difficult-
you have to look through (DJ)
(opens PI window)
- I'd just click on that and just see if any..nothing comes up just tells you it is a product
description. It just tells you its one of your five a day and its vegetarian that's the only
information it gives you. (reading) one half pot contains one portion of your five a day
fruit and vegetables so it doesn't give you any salt content or sugar content so that
something a bit restrictive really (DID not scroll down to see nutrition) (DJ)
- It's not something I've actually looked at before (DJ)
- Not normal to search out nutrition- see also theme right hand side
- erm ...apart from going into store and reading the label...c os I do go into store as well I don't just shop on line... so its there's
something in particular I might just search it out and lookon the packagin. cos it dones't tell you there. It's showing you the label
a little bit. its all green the traffic light. (HOOVERS OVER PRODUCT IMAGE TO SEE TRAFFIC LIGHTS) (DJ)
- You can just make it out..that there are four green and not reds. I think
that's the best you're going to get I think online (DJ)
- No awarenessof nutritional information in product
information window (at bottom)
- Let check futher down here. arh here we are nutrition. so that's what I'd look at.
- Just found out nutrition information is online at bottom of PI window
- You have to know , you know, what your daily intake recommendation for all these and I don't know what they are. so I'd base it on the three green traffic lights. (DJ)
- no idea how to interpret nutrition table. State would use traffic lights. Very valid. despite perceptions.
beforehand on difficulty and no-nutrition online.
- (following navigation to healthier soups opens NuMe Chickpea Spinach) So we've got five-a-day and nutrition. so if I was going for this option I
would look at nutrition. particularly the salt. (looks at nutrition table). (S)
- looks at nutrition table in the PIW
- I'd compare some. salt would be a definite
option of health for me particularly Fat I
would go for the lowest. More fibre the better.
I'd sort of expect the same brands to be
similar. so I'd compare brands (s)
- Attempts to compare
- There might be a comparasion
but I've never used it (s)
- so I'd look again
at sodium on
this one (s)
- Well I've got a list of all those soup in front of me. I'm
thinking I'd automatically look for a fresh soup (SL)
- Looks for FRESH when asked to chose healthiest (FRESH AS A
- I'd ignore all the tinned
an packeted things (SL)
- So I would try
and find
organics (SL)
- USes ORGANIC as a proxy for healthy
- Types in organic
soups to search bar
- So being healthy, I'll have one
with lots of vegetables Spiced
lentil that look nice (SL)
- USes vegetable content (well
appearance in photo/product name)
as proxy for healthy (SL)
- well I would look for an option that the
computer is geared up for a option to put
healthy....but if I didn't if it was just
sometime I bought reguarly would actually
just know where to go (J)
- would like to use computer to
indetify healthy options.
- Routine purchase you
would just know
where to go..o.
- IT says the offers but not the healthy options.
But then I rarely buy tinned soup I usually make
my own.
- Can't find healthy option navigation
- Wouldn't do this normally-
that's explains why can't find?
- Well very often on the search
critieria they have er, the healthy
option (P1)
- Yep, Left hand side. well this one goes on
about yeast free, vegetarianand etc. so that
wouldn't be there. (goes to search bar) (P1)
- It says sort by favourites (sort bar under search
bar) I'd look there to see if there was such a filter
such as healthy (DJ)
- But I can't see anything to say
whether it's healthy or not (DJ
looking at filter)
- CAn't find healthy
option navigation
- Its not normally something I'd do but I've
seen this "healthiest soups (Healthier
soups) option on the left hand side. And
then I would probabl y have to trawl
thorugh theingredient (see product
information, below) (S)
- Only participant to see navigation of healthier soups and
use it to select those
- I wouldn't normally look for the healthiest (SL)
- Wouldn't normally do
it...their own actions
explains not being able