The Occupational Experiences of LGB Police Officers


Undergraduate Diversity, Crime and Criminal Justice (Sexuality) Mindmap am The Occupational Experiences of LGB Police Officers, erstellt von Laura Phillips am 23/05/2014.
Laura Phillips
Mindmap von Laura Phillips, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Laura Phillips
Erstellt von Laura Phillips vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Occupational Experiences of LGB Police Officers
    1. Proliferation of minority research; focus on race and sex (Brown & Heidensohn, 1992; Holdaway,1996, 1997; Smith, 1997)
      1. Occupational culture - hegemonic white masculinity (Jones, 1987; Heidensohn, 1992; Brown and Fielding,1993)
        1. Lack of research into sexuality; Mark Burke (1993) 'Coming Out of the Blue'. Sexual orientation at odds with 'the job'
          1. Police antithetical to homosexuality (Burke, 1993); homosexuality threat to masculine subculture; criminalisation of homosexuality
            1. Burke (1993) 'Coming Out of the Blue'; Leinin (1993) 'Gay Cops'; Pratt and Tuffin (1996) 'Police discourses of homosexual men in New Zealand' - hostile, negative and stereotyped views about non-heterosexual people.
              1. Occupational culture - negative attitudes (Burke, 1993); hegemonic masculinity; resistance to 'difference'; decrease in respect for the police
                1. Harassment and discrimination in deployment, recruitment and promotion (Belkin & McNichol, 2002; Miller et al, 2003); gay men restricted in duties(not appropriate for them to carry out certain police roles?); lesbians exhibiting masculine traits deployed differently from heterosexual women; lesbian officers - sexism AND homophobia; fear of bias in the application of criminal law to LGBT community (Bennett, 1991)
                  1. Psychological consequences; double lives, 'dual persona' (Burke, 1993); difficulties with relationships; inability to give maximum attention to police duties; stress and damage to mental health; high levels of withdrawal from the police before pensionable age due to psychological breakdown
                    1. Pressure to conform; non-heterosexuals 'out-machoed' the straights (Myers et al, 2004)
                      1. LGB can bring unique qualities to the table - improving relations with the LGB community; understanding and compassion
                      2. CHANGING CLIMATES
                        1. Macpherson Report (1999); extrapolated to include police policy and practices in relation to all minority communities nationally; including a period of 'institutional reflection'
                          1. Legal protection
                            1. Private provisions e.g. the Civil Partnership Act 2002, the Humann Rights Act 1998, the Adoption Act 2005
                              1. Workplace provisions e.g. Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, Equality Act 2010
                              2. Revised regulation of police conduct standards - The Police (Conduct) Regulations 2008. Diversity as a key professional expectation; respect, honesty, integrity, lawfulness at the heart of police organisational ethics; platform and process through which officers can formally record discriminatory behaviour
                                1. Formal recognition of diversity as an organisational priority. Investment in several LGB initiatives including - establishment of diversity as a central performance indicator; the allocation of budgets to market police recruitment to LGB communities; making diversity training compulsory for all officers
                                  1. Police reform agenda. Initiatives to increase LGB representation - the active recruitment of LGB candidates; the expansion of the national GPA; the establishment of regional Gay Staff Associations; the establishment of LGB and transgender liaison officers
                                  2. IS ALL WELL IN THE WORKING LIVES OF LGB OFFICERS?
                                    1. Morris Inquiry (2004) - ticking boxes / lacking any real substance
                                      1. Home Office (2005) - still evidence of explicit homophobia
                                        1. Twenty Years On: The Experiences of LGB Police Officers in E&W (Jones and Williams, 2013) - 836 police officers from all 43 police forces across E&W filled in online survey; over 3/4 disclosed their sexual orientation at work; experience of occupational discriminatory acts (training, deployment, promotion)
                                          1. 17% experienced discrimination in the workplace; 10% deployment; 9% training; 4% promotion; 12% experienced one type; 6% experienced more than one type; 24% officially reported their discrimination
                                            1. More likely to experience discrimination: small and large force; senior rank; length of tenure; gay men; LGB and ethnic minority; being out at work
                                          2. SUMMARY
                                            1. Occupational culture
                                              1. LGB officers experience harassment and discrimination
                                                1. Psychological consequences (double lives etc.)
                                                  1. Initiatives to increase diversity -- improvements
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