Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Improve spoken English
- Improve interpersonal
- Ninì
- Friends
- Necessary to run its own business
- Create e network of contact and
people with positive and great ideas
- Be more friendly and learn to discuss
and attract People attention and
- Improve spoken English
- Learn not to be afraid of
- Win Anxiety
- Alexander
- Relativizzare
- Con la pazienza e il tempo si
ottiene tutto. Concentrati sugli
obiettivi non sul tempo
- Psicologo o Coach?
- Imparare a vedere e pensare nel LUNGO termine.
Cominciando a rallentare, fare piccoli passi (come i
cinesi) per raggiungere traguardi importanti in 10/20
- What are my
- Have my OWN Business
- Because I want to be alive, Because I want to
be a better person, because I want to give
Jobs and Chances to Improve to others
- Live in Spain --> Sunny place
- Have a Nice and Happy family