Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Japan's Savior after the WWII
- PDCA Cycle
- Plan
- Do
- Check
- Act
- System of Profound Knowledge
- Appreciation for a system
- Seeing the organization as a system
- Theroy of Knowledge
- What we think we know isn't always what it is, we can be mistaken
- Knowledge about variation
- Understand that there can be mistakes or events that alter the system
- Common events from the system that can be predicted
- Unique events that can't be predicted
- Psychology of individuals, society and change
- The organization's system is made of
people so it is important to understand
- The 14
- 1. Have a constant purpose that allows to to stay in business and think long-term
- 2. Adopt the new philosophy
- The way of management and the new purpose
- 3. Build quality products from the begining
- 4. Minimize total costs
- 5. Improve constantly
- 6. Institute training on the job
- 7. Institute leadership
- 8. Drive out fear
- 9. Break down barriers between departments
- 10. Eliminate work quotas, lead instead
- 11. Help workers feel proud or their jobs
- 12. Help managers and engineeres be proud of their jobs
- 13. Institute a program of education and self-improvement
- 14. Make everybody part of the change
- 5 Deadly deseases
- Lack of constancy of purpose
- Not knowing what the business is for
- No planning for the future
- Lack of long-term definition and goals
- Emphasis on short-term profits
- Short-term thinking
- Worshiping of working quotes
- Sacrifices long-term growth
- Evaluation by performance
- Is arbitrary and unjust
- Demoralizing to employees
- Nourishes short-term performance
- Annihilates team work, encourages fear
- Mobility of Management
- Managers don't know the company
- Managers without roots and experience
- Running a company based on visible figures alone
- Sales rates
- Costs
- Productivity
- Numbers and superficial data that doesn't show the
deepness of the company's events