48. Loud Noises Startle And Get Attention


Notiz am 48. Loud Noises Startle And Get Attention, erstellt von Joseph Cohn am 11/10/2017.
Joseph Cohn
Notiz von Joseph Cohn, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Joseph Cohn
Erstellt von Joseph Cohn vor mehr als 7 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

From a design aspect, using noises to indicate something is a good way to get attention. Use these noises sparingly and not in a too often repetitive manner. The more often someone hears a noise, the more likely they are to ignore it when it happens all the time. Pick noises that are appropriate too. A soft sound is not as attention getting as a louder one, but both still have their places.

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