Analise técnica explicada


Notiz am Analise técnica explicada, erstellt von Thiago Laguna am 24/09/2019.
Thiago Laguna
Notiz von Thiago Laguna, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Thiago Laguna
Erstellt von Thiago Laguna vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Parte 1, 15 paginas: TREND-DEtERMiNiNG TECHNiQUES In the introduction, technical analysis was defined as the art of identifying trend changes at an early stage and to maintain an investment or trading posture until the weight of the evidence indicates that the trend has reversed. In order to identify a trend reversal, we must first know what that trend is. This chapter explains and categorizes the principal trends, and concludes with a discussion of one of the basic building blocks of technical analysis: peak-and-trough progression. This technique is arguably the simplest of trend-determining techniques, but in my book, certainly one of the most effective.   Time Frames We have already established the link between psychology and prices. It is also a fact that human nature (psychology) is more or less constant. This means that the principles of technical analysis can be applied to any time frame, from one-minute bars to weekly and monthly charts. The interpretation is identical. The only difference is that the battle between buyers and sellers is much larger on the monthly charts than on the intraday ones. This means that such trend-reversal signals are far more significant. As we proceed, it will be evident that this book contains a huge variety of examples featuring many different time frames. For the purpose of interpretation, the time frame really doesn’t matter; it’s the character of the pattern that does.  

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