Kita Reinigung München


Münchner GebäudeReinigung, ansässig in der Cosimastraße 121 in München, wurde an den gebürtigen Münchner und Nachfolger Leonardo Andjelkovic übergeben.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Kita Cleaning Munich Munich Building Cleaning, located at Cosimastrasse 121 in Munich, was handed over to Munich native and successor Leonardo Andjelkovic. Leonardo Andjelkovic's name stands for the highest quality and best service in building cleaning and office cleaning in Munich - a rarity in the Bavarian capital! Our outstanding features as experienced building cleaners in Munich include decades of expertise, 24/7 availability and a flexible, spontaneous approach. "Nothing can be done!" is our motto. Our advertising slogan is: "Munich building cleaning - your building in good hands". Our highly motivated, first-class trained employees are paid above the standard rate and only use first-class equipment, especially for demanding tasks! Munich Building Cleaning guarantees the highest hygiene standards when cleaning and professional, thorough disinfection of surfaces. As a renowned cleaning specialist, we are happy to be available, especially in the current crisis. As a specialist company, we have been cleaning buildings – both inside and outside – in Munich and the surrounding area for 30 years. Munich Building Cleaning, located at Cosimastrasse 121 in Munich, was handed over to Munich native and successor Leonardo Andjelkovic. Leonardo Andjelkovic's name stands for the highest quality and best service in building cleaning and office cleaning in Munich - a rarity in the Bavarian capital! Our outstanding features as experienced building cleaners in Munich include decades of expertise, 24/7 availability and a flexible, spontaneous approach. "Nothing can be done!" is our motto. Our advertising slogan is: "Munich building cleaning - your building in good hands". Our highly motivated, first-class trained employees are paid above the standard rate and only use first-class equipment, especially for demanding tasks! Munich Building Cleaning guarantees the highest hygiene standards when cleaning and professional, thorough disinfection of surfaces. As a renowned cleaning specialist, we are happy to be available, especially in the current crisis. As a specialist company, we have been cleaning buildings – both inside and outside – in Munich and the surrounding area for 30 years.  

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