Erstellt von amanda.acton
vor etwa 11 Jahre
6. Resolving Conflict in Business [DEFINITION] Conflict: This occurs when the interests of different people in business are in disagreement. This results in one party wanting to achieve something which is is conflict with what another part wants. The non-legislative ways to resolve conflict are to... [1.] Talk. [DEFINITION] [1.2] Negotiate: To negotiate means to get all parties in a dispute or conflict to explain their position, understand their differences, and to then bargain to arrive at a resolution that is acceptable to both sides. [2.] Seek help from a third party. [DEFINITION] [2.2] Arbitrate: To arbitrate means to get a third party to listen to all sides and then to recommend a solution. The legislative ways to resolve conflict are to... [1.] Use a State conflict resolution agency for... [1.2] ...between consumers and businesses; National Consumer Agency Small Claims Court [1.3] ...between employers and employees; Labour Relations Commission Labour Court Equality Authority Employment Appeals Tribunal [2.] Use the law for... [2.2] ...between consumers and businesses; Consumer Protection Act 2007 Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 [2.3] ...between employers and employees; Industrial Relations Act 1990 Employment Equality Act 1998 Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 to 2007
6. Resolving Conflict in Business
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