Communicable Disease


GCSE Biology (Health & Medicine) Quiz am Communicable Disease, erstellt von Ablazej P am 04/02/2018.
Ablazej P
Quiz von Ablazej P, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ablazej P
Erstellt von Ablazej P vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Cholera is a highly contagious [blank_start]bacterial[blank_end] disease that can be caused by [blank_start]ingesting contaminated food or water[blank_end]. It attacks the [blank_start]small intestine[blank_end] and produces a toxin that causes diarrhea. among other complications.
  • bacterial
  • viral
  • fungal
  • ingesting contaminated food or water
  • sexual intercourse
  • mosquito bites
  • animal bites
  • small intestine
  • large intestine
  • lungs
  • brain

Frage 2

Tuberculosis is a [blank_start]bacterial[blank_end] disease that spreads via [blank_start]coughing or sneezing[blank_end]. If the immune system is weakened, the tuberculosis may spread to the lungs, where it settles in [blank_start]alveolar macrophages[blank_end], causing symptoms like [blank_start]heavy coughing[blank_end].
  • bacterial
  • fungal
  • viral
  • coughing or sneezing
  • animal bites
  • sexual intercourse
  • ingesting contaminated food or water
  • insect bites
  • alveolar macrophages
  • pneumocytes
  • epithelial cells
  • heavy coughing
  • diarrhea
  • tumours
  • obesity
  • a rash

Frage 3

Chalara Dieback is a [blank_start]fungal[blank_end] disease of ash trees, which normally spreads [blank_start]by air[blank_end] in the summer months. Symptoms include blackening and withering shoots and necrosis of leaves.
  • fungal
  • bacterial
  • viral
  • by air
  • by water
  • via birds
  • via pests

Frage 4

Malaria is a dangerous tropical disease caused by various [blank_start]Plasmodium[blank_end] parasites and carried by [blank_start]mosquitoes[blank_end]. The parasite first develops in the salivary glands and intestines of the carrier, then after it has entered the body of a human or ape, it travels through [blank_start]blood[blank_end] to the liver, where it can mature and then break out of the liver and into the bloodstream once again.
  • Plasmodium
  • Anopheles
  • Kupffer
  • Pylori
  • mosquitoes
  • rats
  • trees
  • birds
  • ticks
  • blood
  • water
  • oxygen
  • bile

Frage 5

Helicobacter Ulcers are caused by the Helicobacter Pylori [blank_start]bacterium[blank_end], which is carried in the stomachs of around 40% of the population. Nobody is sure exactly how H. Pylori infects people however since it is more common in people living in [blank_start]crowded areas with poor sanitation[blank_end], the bacteria is most likely passed down through [blank_start]food or water[blank_end] contaminated with spit or stool from a H.Pylori carrier.
  • bacterium
  • virus
  • fungus
  • crowded areas with poor sanitation
  • metropolitan areas
  • rural areas
  • areas with high levels of sanitation
  • food or water
  • air
  • bodily fluids

Frage 6

Ebola is a highly contagious [blank_start]viral[blank_end] disease. It is spread by [blank_start]fruit bats[blank_end] to other animals, including humans, as well as via [blank_start]open wounds, bodily fluids[blank_end] and breakages in the skin.
  • fruit bats
  • porcupines
  • apes
  • birds
  • spiders
  • open wounds, bodily fluids
  • contaminated water, bodily fluids
  • open wounds, contaminated water
  • contaminated stool, open wounds
  • viral
  • bacterial
  • fungal

Frage 7

HIV, is a [blank_start]viral[blank_end] disease that can be transmitted via [blank_start]bodily fluids[blank_end] and sexual intercourse, that attacks [blank_start]CD4 white blood cells[blank_end] in the immune system. Primary symptoms of having the HIV virus include a [blank_start]flu[blank_end]-like illness for 2-6 weeks, red rashes, tiredness, weakness and fever.
  • viral
  • bacterial
  • fungal
  • bodily fluids
  • insect bites
  • animal bites
  • contaminated water
  • CD4 white blood cells
  • CD5 white blood cells
  • red blood cells
  • platelets
  • macrophages
  • flu
  • cholera
  • AIDS
  • tuberculosis

Frage 8

What does AIDS stand for?
  • Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • Auto-Immune Deficiency Symptom
  • Activated Immune Deficiency Symptom
  • Activated Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Frage 9

Match the transmission type to the disease: HIV: [blank_start]Horizontal[blank_end] Malaria: [blank_start]Vector-Borne[blank_end] Cholera: [blank_start]Vehicle-Borne[blank_end]
  • Horizontal
  • Vector-Borne
  • Vehicle-Borne

Frage 10

What is the name given to a type of cancer that can come as a result of AIDS, leaving very visible marks on the skin, particularly the face?
  • Karposis Sarcoma
  • Necrosis
  • Caseous Necrosis
  • Caseous Sarcosis
  • Caseous Karposis

Frage 11

Which of these is a disease that is Vehicle-Borne?
  • Malaria
  • Tetanus
  • HIV
  • AIDS
  • German Measles

Frage 12

Which of these is a disease that is Vertically Transmitted?
  • Tetanus
  • Influenza
  • German Measles
  • Malaria
  • Rabies
  • Salmonella

Frage 13

Match the treatments to the disease: Tuberculosis: [blank_start]Antibiotics[blank_end] Malaria: [blank_start]Artemisinin-based combination therapy[blank_end] Ebola: [blank_start]IV Drips, Quarantine[blank_end]
  • IV Drips, Quarantine
  • Artemisinin-based combination therapy
  • Antibiotics
  • Radiotherapy
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