Chapter 10: The Role of Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Pharmacology


Der Nutzer hat seine Fachbereichs-Information gelöscht. Quiz am Chapter 10: The Role of Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Pharmacology, erstellt von Gelöschter Nutzer am 16/04/2018.
Gelöschter Nutzer
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Olivia McRitchie
Erstellt von Olivia McRitchie vor mehr als 6 Jahre
Olivia McRitchie
Kopiert von Olivia McRitchie vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of complementary and alternative medicine?
  • Focus on treating each person as an individual.
  • Consider health of whole person.
  • Integration of mind and body.
  • Promote disease prevention, self care, and self-healing
  • Recognizing role of spirituality in health and healing
  • Scientists are always attempting to test its effectiveness

Frage 2

From a pharmacology perspective, much of the value of CAM therapies does NOT lie in their ability to reduce need for medication.
  • True
  • False

Frage 3

Interest in herbal medicine waned in the late 1800s, when the pharmaceutical industry was invented. When regulatory agencies required that consumer products be safe and labelled correctly, many of these products were removed from the market.
  • True
  • False

Frage 4

Alternative therapies and herbal medicines have experienced a remarkable resurgance, starting in about the 1970s. Select the factors that have contributed to this resurgance.
  • Increased availability of herbal products.
  • Aggressive marketing by the herbal industry
  • Increased attention to natural alternatives.
  • Renewed interest in preventative medicine.
  • Increased research of alternative therapies.
  • Rise in the desire to live as clean as possible,

Frage 5

Both modern drugs and herbs contain one active ingredient that can be extracted and delivered to patients in exact doses.
  • True
  • False

Frage 6

You are instructing a patient about how to use their complementary and alternative medical treatments safely and correctly. Select the TRUE statements that you can give to the patient.
  • "Make sure you know which part of the herb you can use for treatment."
  • "Herbs do not contain one single active ingredient."
  • "The ingredients that you can find in herbal supplements have been identified and studied."
  • "The potency of a herbal preparation may vary depending on where it was grown."
  • "Scientists have not yet been able to standardize the strength or dose of herbal products."
  • "In the past, scientists have been able to determine which substance in an herb is therapeutic and what its optimal dose is."

Frage 7

You are speaking to a different patient about the regulation of herbal products and dietary substances. Your patient is under the impression that the FDA regulates herbal supplements as much as they do medications. Which of the following statements given to the patient would be false information about the regulation of herbal products and dietary substances?
  • "Herbal and dietary products are regulated by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, shortened to DSHEA."
  • "The DSHEA specifically exempts dietary supplements from regulation by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1936."
  • "The safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements need to be proven."
  • "Dietary supplements can make claims about the product's effect on the body, but the FDA regulates what the labels say so that they are accurate about their contents."
  • "As of 2007, companies that market herbal and dietary supplements have to add contact information to the product labels so that adverse effects can be reported."
  • "Companies have to notify the FDA of serious adverse effects, and keep the records of these events for at least 6 years."
  • "The FDA can remove things that are deadly from the shelves, so long as they have evidence that it's unsafe."

Frage 8

Your patient has chosen to forego conventional medicine and take a homeopathic route to curing her chronic plaque psoriasis. You take a nonjudgmental tone, and give her the following statements about the safety of utilizing alternative medicine.
  • "Botanicals are never as potent, or as effective, as currently approved medicine."
  • "Herbal remedies do not have therapeutic effect."
  • "Just because a substance comes from a natural product does not make it safe or effective."
  • "Only a few of the herbal products available have a recommendation from the medical community."
  • "Adverse effects of these herbal products are probably underreported by patients."
  • "Herb-drug interactions are equally likely to occur in both herbs and prescription drugs."

Frage 9

Specialty substances are usually able to have an effect, people just eat very poorly.
  • True
  • False

Frage 10

Specialty substances legally have to be marketed for conditions that they have a proven effect for.
  • True
  • False
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