4. Performance


Tema 1 Performances Quiz am 4. Performance, erstellt von Jose Antonio Vazquez am 06/11/2018.
Jose Antonio Vazquez
Quiz von Jose Antonio Vazquez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jose Antonio Vazquez
Erstellt von Jose Antonio Vazquez vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

124) In unaccelerated climb
  • thrust equals drag plus the uphill component of the gross weight in the flight path direction.
  • thrust equals drag plus the downhill component of the gross weight in the flight path direction.
  • lift is greater than the gross weight.
  • lift equals weight plus the vertical component of the drag.

Frage 2

125) The optimum cruise altitude increases
  • if the aeroplane mass is decreased.
  • if the temperature (OAT) is increased.
  • if the tailwind component is decreased.
  • if the aeroplane mass is increased.

Frage 3

126) Regarding the obstacle limited take-off mass, which of the following statements is correct?
  • The obstacle limited mass can never be lower than the climb limited take-off mass.
  • The maximum bank angle which can be used is 10°.
  • A take-off in the direction of an obstacle is also permitted in tail wind condition.
  • Wind speed plays no role when calculating this particular mass.

Frage 4

127) A jet aeroplane is climbing at a constant IAS and maximum climb thrust, how will the climb angle / the pitch angle change?
  • Remain constant / decrease.
  • Remain constant / become larger.
  • Reduce / decrease.
  • Reduce / remain constant.

Frage 5

128) Reduced take-off thrust should normally not be used when:
  • the runway is wet.
  • the OAT is ISA +10°C
  • anti skid is not usable.
  • it is dark.

Frage 6

144) How is wind considered in the take-off performance data of the Aeroplane Operations Manuals ?
  • Unfactored headwind and tailwind components are used.
  • Not more than 80% headwind and not less than 125% tailwind.
  • Since take-offs with tailwind are not permitted, only headwinds are considered.
  • Not more than 50% of a headwind and not less than 150% of the tailwind.

Frage 7

131) On a reciprocating engined aeroplane, with increasing altitude at constant gross mass, angle of attack and configuraton the drag
  • remains unchanged but the TAS increases.
  • remains unchanged but the the CAS increases
  • increases at constant TAS.
  • decreases and the CAS decreases too because of the lower air density.

Frage 8

120) The drift down procedure specifies requirements concerning the:
  • engine power at the altitude at which engine failure occurs
  • climb gradient during the descent to the net level-off altitude
  • weight during landing at the alternate
  • obstacle clearance during descent to the net level-off altitude

Frage 9

133) Which statement is correct for a descent without engine thrust at maximum lift to drag ratio speed?
  • The mass of an aeroplane does not have any effect on the speed for descent.
  • The higher the gross mass the greater is the speed for descent.
  • The higher the gross mass the lower is the speed for descent.
  • The higher the average temperature (OAT) the lower is the speed for descent.

Frage 10

134) What will be the influence on the aeroplane performance if aerodrome pressure altitude is increased?
  • It will increase the take-off distance.
  • It will decrease the take-off distance.
  • It will increase the take-off distance available.
  • It will increase the accelerate stop distance available.

Frage 11

135) An aeroplane is in a power off glide at best gliding speed. If the pilot increases pitch attitude the glide distance:
  • increases.
  • remains the same.
  • may increase or decrease depending on the aeroplane.
  • decreases.

Frage 12

136) Which statement concerning the inclusion of a clearway in take-off calculation is correct?
  • The field length limited take-off mass will increase.
  • The usable length of the clearway is not limited.
  • V1 is increased.
  • V1 remains constant.

Frage 13

137) What affect has a tailwind on the maximum endurance speed?
  • No affect
  • Tailwind only effects holding speed.
  • The IAS will be increased.
  • The IAS will be decreased.

Frage 14

138) Which of the equations below defines specific range (SR)?
  • SR = Groundspeed/Total Fuel Flow
  • SR = True Airspeed/Total Fuel Flow
  • SR = Indicated Airspeed/Total Fuel Flow
  • SR = Mach Number/Total Fuel Flow

Frage 15

139) Take-off performance data, for the ambient conditions, show the following limitations with flap 10° selected: - runway limit: 5 270 kg - obstacle limit: 4 630 kg Estimated take-off mass is 5 000kg. Considering a take-off with flaps at:
  • 20°, both limitations are increased
  • 5°, the obstacle limit is increased but the runway limit decreases
  • 5°, both limitations are increased
  • 20°, the obstacle limit is increased but the runway limit decreases

Frage 16

140) Is there any difference between the vertical speed versus forward speed curves for two identical aeroplanes having different masses ? (assume zero thrust and wind)
  • Yes, the difference is that the lighter aeroplane will always glide a greater distance.
  • Yes, the difference is that for a given angle of attack both the vertical and forward speeds of the heavier aeroplane will be larger.
  • No difference.
  • Yes, the difference is that the heavier aeroplane will always glide a greater distance.

Frage 17

141) Which of the following statements with regard to the optimum cruise altitude (best fuel mileage) is correct?
  • An aeroplane usually flies above the optimum cruise altitude, as this provides the largest specific range.
  • An aeroplane sometimes flies above the optimum cruise altitude, because ATC normally does not allow to fly continuously at the optimum cruise altitude.
  • An aeroplane always flies below the optimum cruise altitude, as otherwise Mach buffet can occur.
  • An aeroplane always flies on the optimum cruise altitude, because this is most attractive from an economy point of view.

Frage 18

130) A four jet-engined aeroplane (mass = 150 000 kg) is established on climb with all engines operating. The lift- to-drag ratio is 14. Each engine has a thrust of 75 000 Newtons. The gradient of climb is: (given: g= 10 m/s2)
  • 1.286%.
  • 27%.
  • 7.86%.
  • 12.86%.

Frage 19

18. How does the best angle of climb and best rate of climb vary with increasing altitude?
  • Both decrease.
  • Both increase.
  • Best angle of climb increases while best rate of climb decreases.
  • Best angle of climb decreases while best rate of climb increases.

Frage 20

28. The optimum altitude
  • is the altitude up to which cabin pressure of 8 000 ft can be maintained.
  • increases as mass decreases and is the altitude at which the specific range reaches its maximum.
  • decreases as mass decreases.
  • is the altitude at which the specific range reaches its minimum.

Frage 21

8) A lower airspeed at constant mass and altitude requires
  • less thrust and a lower coefficient of lift.
  • more thrust and a lower coefficient of lift.
  • more thrust and a lower coefficient of drag.
  • a higher coefficient of lift.

Frage 22

9) At a constant Mach number the thrust and the fuel flow of a jet engine
  • increase in proportion to the ambient pressure at constant temperature.
  • decrease in proportion to the ambient pressure at constant temperature.
  • increase with increasing altitude.
  • are independent of outside air temperature (OAT).

Frage 23

10) Following a take-off determined by the 50ft (15m) screen height, a light twin climbs on a 10% over-the-ground climb gradient. It will clear a 900 m high obstacle in relation to the runway (horizontally), situated at 10 000 m from the 50 ft clearing point with an obstacle clearance of
  • 85m
  • It will not clear the obstacle
  • 115 m
  • 100 m

Frage 24

11) Moving the center of gravity from the forward to the aft limit (gross mass, altitude and airspeed remain unchanged)
  • increases the power required.
  • affects neither drag nor power required.
  • increases the induced drag.
  • decreases the induced drag and reduces the power required.

Frage 25

12) On a reciprocating engined aeroplane, with increasing altitude at constant gross mass, angle of attack and configuraton the power required
  • remains unchanged but the TAS increases.
  • increases and the TAS increases by the same percentage.
  • increases but TAS remains constant.
  • decreases slightly because of the lower air density.

Frage 26

13) During certification test flights for a turbojet aeroplane, the actual measured take-off runs from brake release to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and the point at which the aeroplane is 35 feet above the take-off surface are: - 1747 m, all engines operating - 1950 m, with the critical engine failure recognized at V1, the other factors remaining unchanged. Considering both possibilities to determine the take-off run (TOR). What is the correct distance?
  • 1950 m.
  • 2009 m.
  • 2243 m.
  • 2096 m.
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7. Performance
Jose Antonio Vazquez
5. Performance
Jose Antonio Vazquez
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Jose Antonio Vazquez
Jose Antonio Vazquez
Jose Antonio Vazquez