
tsampikos pompou
Quiz von tsampikos pompou, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
tsampikos pompou
Erstellt von tsampikos pompou vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

186 Which of the following is correct:
  • O The diurnal range of temperature is least in tropical countries
  • O The diurnal variation of temperature is greatest when a moderate wind is blowing
  • O The diurnal range of temperature sees the lowest temperature at sunrise
  • O The diurnal range of temperature is greatest in conditions of high humidity

Frage 2

187 The measurement of surface temperature is made:
  • O Approximately 4 feet above ground level
  • O At ground level
  • O Approximately 10 metres above ground level
  • O Approximately 4 metres above ground level

Frage 3

188 It is possible for temperature to increase with height. This is known as:
  • O An Inversion
  • O An isothermal layer
  • O A temperature conversion
  • O A steep lapse rate

Frage 4

189 A saturated atmosphere has a surface temperature of +12C and a temperature of +2C at 4000ft. The atmosphere is:
  • O Unstable
  • O Stable
  • O Conditionally stable
  • O Conditionally neutral

Frage 5

190 Pressure altitude is:
  • O The height in the standard atmosphere at which the aircraft ambient pressure would be experienced
  • O The standard pressure prevailing at official airfield level
  • O The height indicated on a pressure altimeter when the sub-scale is set to QFE
  • O The height indicated on a pressure altimeter when the sub-scale is set to QNH

Frage 6

191 Latent heat is defined in meterology as:
  • O The quantity of heat emitted when condensation occurs which increases the temperature of the air
  • O The quantity of heat absorbed decreasing the lapse rate of saturated air
  • O lapse rate in dry air
  • O The quantity of heat emitted which increases the lapse rate of saturated air

Frage 7

192 Which of the following options is the most effective way of heating the troposphere:
  • O Outgoing long wave radiation from the Earth
  • O Incoming short wave radiation from the sun
  • O Incoming long wave radiation fromt he sun
  • O Outgoing short wave radiation from the Earth

Frage 8

193 As air is cooled to below its dew point temperature:
  • O The actual water vapour content decreases to remain equal to the saturated water vapour content
  • O The actual water vapour content increases to remain equal to the
  • O The saturated water vapour content remains constant as the air is at 100% relative humidity
  • O The saturated water vapour content increases as precipitation takes place when the temperature drops

Frage 9

194 Which of the following is correct:
  • O The Pressure Gradient Force acts from High pressure to Low pressure in both hemispheres
  • O The Geostrophic Wind flows along straight and parallel isobars at all latitudes,except Buys Ballot's Law is reversed in the southern hemisphere
  • O The Geostrophic Force acts at 90 degrees to the isobars in equatorial latitudes
  • O The Pressure Gradient Force acts in the same direction as the isobars in equatorial latitudes

Frage 10

195 When air is lifted due to the presence of a range of mountains in its path, the resulting vertical motion is referred to as:
  • O Orographic lifting
  • O Turbulence
  • O Convergence
  • O Frontal lifting

Frage 11

196 A Foehn wind is:
  • O A warm dry wind which blows down the leeside of a mountain
  • O A wind which flows down the leeside of a mountain due to its greater density
  • O A warm wind which flows down the leeside of a mountain due to the pressure distribution
  • O A dry wind which blows through a mountain gap or valley

Frage 12

197 Radiation fog often occurs:
  • O In anti-cyclonic conditions with air of maritime origin
  • O Near the coasts in the warm air of a polar depression in late spring
  • O In a polar low which is intensifying
  • O Along the line of a warm front of a warm sector depression

Frage 13

198 The intensity of precipitation associated with dense nimbostratus is:
  • O Moderate or heavy
  • O Light
  • O Heavy, possibly hail
  • O Nil

Frage 14

199 A SIGMET message concerns:
  • O Weather phenomena likely to affect the safety of aircraft
  • O Severe weather that is encountered by the pilot of an aircraft
  • O Weather conditions likely to affect the safety of aircraft
  • O A routine report of sig weather issued by a local Met Office

Frage 15

200 With relation to isobars on the sea level chart, surface wind:
  • O Is inclined towards the area of low pressure
  • O Is inclined towards the area of high pressure
  • O Blows along the isobars with high pressure to the right in the northern hemisphere
  • O Blows along the isobars with high pressure to the left in the northern hemisphere

Frage 16

201 Subsidence in an anticyclone produces:
  • O Dry air and an inversion
  • O Saturated air and an inversion
  • O Isothermal dry and stable air
  • O Increased pressure at the surface

Frage 17

202 Frontal fog:
  • O Occurs in a narrow band where the frontal surface meets the ground
  • O Occurs in precipitation at a cold front
  • O Is due to evaporation of rain drops in the cold sector
  • O Is due to rain saturating the warm sector air

Frage 18

203 The temperature lapse rate of rising saturated air in the lower troposphere is:
  • O 1.5 degrees C per 1000 feet
  • O 1.98 degrees C per 1000 feet
  • O 3 degrees C per 1000 feet
  • O 5.4 degrees C per 1000 feet

Frage 19

204 Aerodrome QNH is the:
  • O Aerodrome pressure converted to mean sea level assuming ISA conditions between the aerodrome and sea level
  • O Atmospheric pressure at the aerodrome level
  • O QFE converted to mean sea level assuming constant temperature conditions between the aerodrome and sea level
  • O Lowest value of QNH forecast to occur in the region of the aerodrome during a period of one hour

Frage 20

205 Sublimation occurs when:
  • O Water vapour in the air changes directly into ice
  • O Air is cooled below dewpoint temperature and fog forms
  • O Water droplets in suspension condense directly into ice
  • O Air is unable to support any more water vapour

Frage 21

206 If the relative humidity of a sample of air is 100%, then the actual amount of water vapour present would be:
  • O Greater at the Equator than at the poles
  • O Greater at the poles than at the Equator
  • O The same at the Equator as at the poles
  • O Greater at 10000ft than at mean sea level

Frage 22

207 Air Adiabatic temperature change occurs when :
  • O No heat energy is lost or gained when a parcel of air is subjected to a change of pressure
  • O The air temperature is altered as pressure decreases
  • O The pressure of a parcel of air is maintained constant and the temperature is altered
  • O Air cools at 3 degrees per 1000ft

Frage 23

208 A ridge of high pressure is generally associated with:
  • O Divergence and subsidence causing clear skies and good weather
  • O Divergence causing cloud to break up and more precipitation
  • O Convergence causing increased cloud and precipitation
  • O Divergence causing increased cloud and precipitation

Frage 24

209 Low cloud in temperate climates, excluding heap, are those existing from:
  • O The surface to 6500ft
  • O 1000ft to 6500ft
  • O The surface to 7500ft
  • O The surface to 7500 metres

Frage 25

210 Intensity of precipitation is described as:
  • O Slight, moderate or heavy
  • O Intermittent, continuous or showery
  • O Intermittent, moderate or heavy
  • O Drizzle, rain or snow
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